Friday, April 30, 2010

Why is it when a pregnant teen asks for advice the get discriminated against?

Like if a pregnant teen asks for advice all she ever gets is the response that ';she is a s*** or close your legs'; and never gets the advice she has so rightfully asked for....and why is it people say to get an abortion then if a teen asks how much it is or how old do you have to be they get yelled at about that too.....i just dont understand it.....i am a pregnant teen and barely ever get the advice that i ask for......i always get called a s*** or wh*** and i really am not....i have only had sex with one guy and that guy is my why do people do that?Why is it when a pregnant teen asks for advice the get discriminated against?
because ppl who have a problem with it suck.Why is it when a pregnant teen asks for advice the get discriminated against?
It happens because these teens mention their age. When I ask a question, I don't mention that Im a 29 year old first time mother. Why is age relevant? Stop mentioning it and you wont have that problem. People are always going to say that a 14 year pregnant girl is a sl*t.
They thought they're mature enough, but actually they're not. So better give them advice rather than ignore or discriminate pregnant teens.
honestly it is because they put there age on everything. if she explained her situation and left her age out of it then nothing would be said about it. I am 19 and I have never put my age on a question and no one has ever said anything about it.
I think that is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what people should be saying. If a teen is pregnant %26amp; asking for help/advice, why in the world wouldn't you want to give it to her? Don't punish her %26amp; her baby just because she is young! People are so quick to put a pregnant teen down, but what makes them so great? When they ask for help, you act like you are so much ';greater than thou';.. but you're WORSE for not helping! If you don't have something to say that will actually help a pregnant teen, don't even bother opening the question! --- I suppose that I didn't answer anything, just ranted a bit. Heheh. Seriously though, people like that really get to me! For the lady who asked the question - I know quite a bit about pregnancy so if you ever need advice be sure to email me, I'd be glad to talk to you!
I only do that when they ask about abortion cuz you always have a chance of getting pregnant and they chose to have sex so they should stand up and take responsibility for their actions and not just do the easy way out.
Everyone is raised differently. Some people are raised with open minds and some are raised to believe whatever their parents or other people around them have told them. It's unfortunate because teens are still growing and learning and basically anything can happen. Especially if they're uneducated in some areas like sex for example. The only thing they can do is learn from their experiences. That's all anyone can do. And people need to learn to be more accepting and positive. Sure, you might be young and pregnant, but as long as you deal with it properly and take responsibility for your actions, there should be no problem. There are lots of young mothers out there who work their butts off in order to support their babies, and there are also lots of older mothers who are way less responsible than some of the young ones but yet they don't get picked on for being a mother, even though they shouldn't be. All you can do is ignore the rude remarks and immaturity and think positive. You're going to have a beautiful baby in only a matter of months and it shouldn't matter what anyone else thinks when you're the one who's going to get to enjoy that bundle of joy. Remember though that you do need to work hard to support that baby, but it will be worth it in the end!
Honestly it's typically from people who have not been in your situation and do not understand. Although, I am not a teen, just a single mom, because my ex walked out on me when I told him I was pregnant and I get that sometimes. Like, '; Why did you have s e x with someone that you were not committed too'; or my favorite ';Don't spread your legs for just anyone then';. I was in a 2 year relationship with my ex... I had no idea he was going to up and leave us. For the most part though all the mommies are really supportive. I would say your best bet is just to not give out your age, that way people do not assume financial status etc. Good luck and my mom was a teen when she had me and totally survived! I think I turned out GREAT! LOL! :)
I'm just curious.. why do pregnant teens feel the need to tell us they're teens? Why do they always have to specify that they're teens? DOes it make a difference to the question? IF the question is age related then obviously but if not, why? When I start off a question it's never ';Ok so I'm 27 years old and....';. I'm not rude to pregant teens, well I'm as rude to them as I am to anyone, and depending on the question I suppose you could accuse me of being a b*tch, I just never get why they start with their age.

And I guess to answer your question: Why are people rude to anyone? It's not exclusively teens, believe me. Generally I think people are rude to anyone with a poorly phrased or worded question. It just so happens that teens are the ones that are more likely to mispell a word or use inappropriate grammar/punctuation.

Just my 2 cents mate, not trying to be rude =D
who knows? people need to understand that the teen is under enough pressure and she doesn't need to be treated like crap also. i just turn 20 and is having my first baby boy due in September and people still say stuff cuz im so young and got pregnant at 19. i just stop caring what people think and that matter is my family.
Most of you teens that come on here always make it a point to let everyone know about your young age.... almost like you are proud of it. It's not relevant to post your age. I'm 28 and I don't post my age on all my questions.
I am so sorry people do that on here its sad really but remember there are some young and immature people on here it is the internet. if you want any advice feel free to email me I will give you what I can with out being a jerk to you! again I am sorry and congrats on your baby on the way!
First I would like to say that i am 18 and have been married for almost a year. I myself are not sure if I am pregnant right now but i sure feel like it! I personally think that they react in that way because they think that it will make teens stop getting pregnant or, it is what ';they deserve';. I think that it is cruel and that they should really be trying to help out because this is the very reason a lot of teen girls end up pregnant. Lack of education and being too afraid to seek help. Even with me being married I am afraid that if I am pregnant my family is going to turn on me and not want to help. It is a crazy world, and I DEFINITELY feel where you are coming from. Good luck and Congratulations hon!! Let me know how things go!!
I feel that if a teen who is pregnant is looking for help and answers that they're at least trying, if they didnt care about the child growing in them they wouldnt be asking. People make mistakes so what, there are more teen girls in this world i see taking much better care of their child than 30 year old woman. Age shouldnt matter as long as you love your child
To be honest it's not just teens, people get stupid answers and judged for anything they say and any question about abortion is just asking for a dispute between users. Teens most likely do get the majority of the scrutiny, but people assume things. I would suggest not stating your age, you will most likely get better responses, plus this is the pregnancy section. 99% of us are hormonal and have crazy days.
People will discriminate because it's sad to see pregnant teens..if you want a good advice don't state your age it will change the picture trust me im a teen and i know it i never state age because of that.
Why advertise that you're a pregnant teen? If you're really after advice and not attention it would be irrelevant.
Some people are ignorant and like to put people down. But I've got mean responses to questions before too so its not just pregnant teens! You know your situation though, and its not up to anybody else to judge anybody on here. If they don't want to answer the question, they shouldn't be on here. Like when guys say rude things to questions about pregnancy or trying to conceive, they don't have a clue what its like to be pregnant!! Hopefully more people will start answering kindly and the rude ones will find something better to do with their time than make up smart a** remarks to girls who already have a lot going on! Good luck with your pregnancy!
I'd stop sharing your age, personally. It's irrelevant and your answers will be nicer. All pregnant people experience similar problems, so that would be my best suggestion.

Good luck with everything.
because people are hateful and they like to judge when they dont know your situation. just remember that although other people are ignorant you dont have to be. make sure you get the proper care and ask the questions you need without mentioning your age unless its pertinent to the question. youll get the answers you need and people will just have to learn to keep their hateful opinions to themselves. because you didnt ask what they thought of your age now did ya? lol
people nowadays think that its wrong to be a pregnant teen.....i have nothing against it as long as the baby get cared for properly and that's all that should matter not how old you are...i completely agree with you...and im sure that teens aren't planning to get pregnant it just happens and you're not a whore or **** you are a human being....until they start calling grown women a whore and a **** because they get pregnant i will not understand EVER..
Possibly because you should still be in school, and not out getting pregnant.

Look at how you write. You don't write like someone who should be teaching a baby things...How do you expect your child to get through school if you didn't finish, yourself? How are you or your child EVER going to make a decent living? (and don't go saying that your fianc茅 will support you....we ALL know where that leads!)

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