Friday, April 30, 2010

Im pregnant!!! please give me all the advice you have for teen pregnancy!!

i need advice!!

please give me everything you know about young teen pregnancy!!

im only 14 and need intense help!!!

WHAT SHOULD I DO!!Im pregnant!!! please give me all the advice you have for teen pregnancy!!
first calm down and know that you're not alone. second, don't listen to all these mean jerks. third, tell your parents. it's inevitable, so the sooner the better. next, your parents need to take you to the doctor. good luckIm pregnant!!! please give me all the advice you have for teen pregnancy!!
Well first you need to tell your parentsimmediatelyy and set up a Doctors amppointment so you can get everything checked out. From there you and your parents can decide on a plan that is best for you and your baby and the whole situation. Adoption may be the best option for you. There are tons of loving couples who can not have a baby, and would love to have your baby. Good Luck and please tell your parents right now! Remember not to smoke or drink while pregnant it can harm your baby.
Watch the Secret life of the american teenager!!

All you need to now about teen pregnancy:

Teenage pregnancy is defined as a teenage or underage girl, usually within the ages of 13-17, becoming pregnant. The term in everyday speech usually refers to women who have not reached legal adulthood, which varies across the world, who become pregnant.

The average age of menarche (first menstrual period) in the United States is 12.5, though this figure varies by ethnicity[1] and weight, and first ovulation occurs only irregularly until after this. The average age of menarche has been declining and is continuing to do so. Whether fertility leads to early pregnancy depends on a number of factors, both societal and personal. Worldwide, rates of teenage pregnancy range from 143 per 1000 in some sub-Saharan African countries to 2.9 per 1000 in South Korea.[2][3]

Pregnant teenagers face many of the same obstetrics issues as women in their 20s and 30s. However, there are additional medical concerns for younger mothers, particularly those under 15 and those living in developing countries.[4] For mothers between 15 and 19, age in itself is not a risk factor, but additional risks may be associated with socioeconomic factors.[5]

Data supporting teenage pregnancy as a social issue in developed countries include lower educational levels, higher rates of poverty, and other poorer ';life outcomes'; in children of teenage mothers. Teenage pregnancy in developed countries is usually outside of marriage, and carries a social stigma in many communities and cultures. For these reasons, there have been many studies and campaigns which attempt to uncover the causes and limit the numbers of teenage pregnancies.[6] In other countries and cultures, particularly in the developing world, teenage pregnancy is usually within marriage and does not involve a social stigma.[

I obviously don't know how you feel but my sister got pregnant when she was 17. My dad always said that if either of us got pregnant that we would be kicked out of the house. That never happened and now my sister has a beautiful and healthy 4 month old girl who is just a joy to be around. I don't know if you can handle kids or not so I won't tell you to keep it but please don't abort it. My suggestion to you is to tell your mom and dad. They might be upset for a little while but they will get over it and want to help you and your baby. If you don't want to keep it, there is always the option of adoption. You also need to see a doctor as soon as possible so he/she can start you on prenatal vitamins which are very important when pregnant. I hope everything works out well for you.

Best of luck.
Ok, so the first thing you need to do is clear your head, and tune out these put downs. There's no point making yourself feel worse, and I wish people on here could be more sensitive towards others' feelings.

Like many people here have already said, you have to tell your parents. Being a fellow teen, my heart definitely goes out to you, as I know how scary it can be to tell your parents something they don't want to hear. But just remember that even if they yell or get upset, they still love you, and they want to support you through this rough patch.

Next, once you've all calmed down, maybe gone to a doctor to confirm the pregnancy, you should discuss the options with your parents. Where do you stand? Do you want to keep the baby? If so, will the father be an active part in his or her life? If you don't plan on keeping the baby, you can either abort or put it up for adoption. You have the right to chose, but make sure you think carefully about your decision.

Last of all, (if you decide to keep the baby of course) use all resources possible to ensure a healthy pregnancy, and make the very best out of the situation. Who knows? It may turn out to be a blessing...

I wish you the best of luck :)
I am certain you are scared right now. But you need the help of the people around you. You need to tell your family. I think one of the best things you can do is look into adoption options. I have so many friends that were adopted, and were glad their birth mother made that hard and unselfish choice, to give them to a family that couldn't have children of their own. At least it is something to think about. Make sure you start taking care of yourself, it is very important for the baby and you. Try going to your local library and checking out the book What to Expect when you are expecting. It will be a very good resource to learn what is going on in your body.
First of all, you should have thought about this before you ran off and had sex. Second, your in charge of another life now. Talk with your parents. They'll set you up with a doctor to make sure the babys doing fine and stuff. Third, you need to get excited. Im not saying go overboard, but don't mope about it all the time. There's nothing you can do about it. Your gonna have a baby. Fourth, talk to the babys dad. Tell him whats going on. Fifth, see all your options. Do you think that you could take care of this baby? Do you want to give it up for adoption? Are you maybe considering an abortion? Talk with your parents about this, too. Theyll help you. And sixth, do deny that your pregnant and just forget about it until your third trimester. Get it some clothes, pick out a name, do all the other things that you need to do to support a baby, if your gonna keep it. Don't procrastinate. If you do all of these things, it will make this go a whole lot smoother%26lt;33

I agree with ashley! Talk to your parents no matter how hard it is to do. Your parents are the only ones that can really help you. If you absolutely cannot talk to them find someone you can talk to, but don't leave them out of it because they will find out eventually. Speaking from a parents point of view, my daughter got pregnant when she was a teen, I would much rather find out from her than someone else.
first off tell your parents, it may seem like a really scarry thing and you will get in trouble but they will help you thru this. then go to your family doctor and have her or him check everything out and she or he can help you. i know this seems scary now but it will be ok, there is always adoption, but dont think about an abortion, that will only make things worse. although this will be hard things are going to be ok the most important thing is tell your parents because they will be your biggest help thru this. =) good luck!
Hey girl-

I've never been in your situation, but my heart goes out to you.

But I am an active supporter of the Pro-Life movement and I know a lot of people who could help you and your parents.

There are a few organizations that will give you advice, counseling, and even baby supplies if you decide to raise the baby.

I know it's a cruel world, and it's proof in this question with all these HORRIBLE answers people are giving you. You don't deserve that. You aren't a slut or any of those terrible are a person. And there are people out there who love you enough to help you. Those people like your parents or even strangers!

So tell your parents. It's scary, but it's necessary for your health and the baby's.

Don't abort. You are now responsible for two lives- that baby has no are it's mother, and even though you made a mistake, I know that you can have the strength to love your child. Everyone has that strength. Also, abortion is painful and increases your risk of breast cancer, but worst of all, you might regret it the rest of your life.

Email me any questions and I can put you into contact with people who will be more than happy to help you, trust me.


Be strong.
why is everyone being so mean?

she asked for advise.

Im 14 but im not pregnant my cousin is she lives at my house since heer parents died. Shes 7 months now her boyfriend hasnt helped her but she knows she can count on family. Just relax your aware that youve made a mistake, not much you can do about it now except live through it. You can always count on your family even if they get mad they'll help you nomatter what. as for your friends at school they'll be the same way only if there real friends if there not they'll probly bail on you. If you want to get an abortion noone is going to stop you exept yourself its your choice.

hope i helped.
I would go to your parents first, then make a doctors appointment because that is something you really need, second at your doctors appointment the doctor will talk to you about all of your options, my options were as follows 1) have the baby and keep it and work your butt off 2) give the baby up when it was born to a family who could not have a child of their own. my choice was one and yes its been a lot of hard work but if you work hard and always remember your parents love you no matter what and to never be afraid to ask for help. Everyone needs help when it comes to a baby. whether its teaching you how to do something or just giving you a break. Second With school who cares what they say a lot of people will call you alot of names but they dont know what it is like until they walk threw your shoes and that is the truth.
First relax. It will all work out. Take a moment to think. Start looking online. There is alot out there. The state does help, alot. Go to planned Parent Hood and they will help you out, Do your parents know yet? if not i know how hard it can be. maybe give yourself a day or two to think befor you let them in. everyone will tell you to run to them now but, makesure you are okay but, dont take too long. Parents will help you more then you think. Remember, NO ONE can tell you to have an abortion. Dont let someone tell you to do that. yes, being young is hard, but either make sure your parents are in the same plying feild or give the lil one up for adoption, both are very hard choices, but i PROMISE you will regret having an abortion i did, i am now 3 months pregnant and happy as can be. i will be a young mom but, i know i can do it. You can do. make sure you get your mind together and take it slow, you have time to think about it either way. Good luck make sure if you have questions just post them, we are here to help you
1. know that you made a mistake.. a very dumb choice

2. make sure that you are actually pregnant and it's not a false alarm

3. if you are pregnant.. then tell your parents

4. tell the father of the child

5. tell the father of the child's parents

6. all together decide if you're going to keep the baby or not
tell your parents, get some what to expect when your expecting, envest in some maternity clothes, get ready for baby, get tough being a teen and pregnant or a teen mom you get all out of comments. email meyour questions im a teen mom of a 3 year old a 17 month old and twins 8 months have fun
DON'T abort.

One of my good friends was almost aborted.. now she's a lovely, intelligent young girl. Your baby deserves a chance; if you can't keep him/her, answer an infertile couple's prayers by giving it up for adoption.

But please give your child a chance; abortion is murder.
Wow, sucks to be you, sorry.

Now really, A first make sure your up front with ur parents, dont hide it from them. Next make sure the babys' daddy knows, and If i was in ur position, i would move to another state, wait a year, go back home, and say you went to fat camp or something... DO NOT ABORT, (what that one chick said!)
this is so sad you are the fifth 14 year old that has said they are pregnant today... i just ask you don't have an abortion you are the one who was dumb enough to get pregnant at 14 but don't kill the baby because of your mistake... give it up for adoption
invent a time machine and go back and learn to make better choices?

but no, for real, sit down and talk with your mother, or father, or whatever parental figure youve got going on in your life. its gonna suck but there gonna be your best option for help
there is no way u can turn back the clock and fix this so u need to start out by telling the father of the baby and telling ur parents then u and ur parents talk about what u should do about the baby the father of the baby has a part in this so he has to help to
hi! im britt im 14 i have a 7 month old daughter, and am pregnant with triplets, so by the time im 15 i will have 4 kids, i love my life and wouldnt change a thing, if u need advice or just want sumone to talk to about it, email me at
wow big mistake.

sorry that happened, he should've been smart enough to use a condom. all i can tell you is tell your parent, or anyone close to you that you trust for that matter. hiding it isn't going to be good.
firstly tell your parents. you need help through this and they will help you.

Abortion, adoption or keeping the child are some options but you need to strongly think about what will be best and discuss it with your bf and parents.
Wow, 14 eh?

Ur n sumthin real deep

Do yuh parents kno??

o, n GOOD LUCK!!!!! I realli dont have advice, because im onli 13 n would say WOW

n if yuh smart enough you'll think of sumthin. I kno u will B-}
Tell the babydaddy or suspected babydaddy(If you know him - not to be rude but some people dont know there babydaddy)

Then tell your parents

Hope for the best.
find a good support system between family and friends and work hard you have a big responsibility now.
take all responsibilities and don't throw your baby on your parents
You are an idiot
Don't have sex until your ready for a baby....Oh wait to late :(
just walk in the room and say im pregnant to them very fast
have an abortion and stop having sex

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