Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Do you have advice for a hopeless teen?

but i doubt you could top mine...

i moved recently i have no friends because im really emotional and my friends don't want to deal with a sensitive *****... ive like my best friend and she knew. but she said to stop texting her for ever and shes changing her number because i wont shut the **** up, she also says she kinda liked me but im not man enough for her. i went threw depression and suicidal thoughts, cops came, got my phone taken away, because they don't want me hurting myself, im really shy, but i wear prep cloths and i really want a girl friend and a kiss, because ive had neither, and im 16 junior and realizing life isn't what i thought it was and everyone smokes weed here, and drinks and have a lot of sex. i have nothing to do and i have all senior classes, and im a junior, no-one cares about me, even though im a really good guy. and im not ugly, im actually really attractive so ive been told, and im not trying to be Cauchy just wanting to talk my emotions out... any one got any advice either would be great...Do you have advice for a hopeless teen?
don't think that no one cares about you.

i care about you.

i don't even know who you are and i care about you.

guys who can talk their emotions out are amazing in my opinion.

find the right girl for you.

it takes time.

i'm still searching too.

you're not alone.
  • la mer
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