What would you tell them? meaning like what concequences would they expierience or why i would be great for them to have children so young, etc. say anything.Teen pregnancy advice survey for school?
Im 19 years old and 23 weeks pregnant with a baby boy. I have a 2 year old daughter, i got pregnant at 16 had her at 17. I would say please wait. School is very important and you need to go to college so you can get a good job, cuz its hard to do once you have a baby. In my case i wish i would have been more careful or waited until i was married because my daughters dad left me the second we found out i was pregnant. I had to grow up so fast. trips to the mall, parties, hanging out with friends..all of that is gone. On my 21st birthday i will have 2 kids so you can forget going to bars to celebrate. i have horrible stretch marks and other kids my age made alot of jokes about me. Live your life to the fullest first, cuz alot of things you want to do you cant. it's hard growing up before your ready to.Teen pregnancy advice survey for school?
iim sixteen with a newborn babygirl even tho she means the world to me i still feel i shouldve and couldve waited...THERES NO NEED TO RUSH IT....so my adivce is to jus wait... a blessing comes with patience....
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Not recommanded. Babies are cute, but.... they require lots attention, you don't want to bring up a baby without thinking about the future. Who is going to work and pay for everything? You don't want leave the kid home by himself. Also, babysitting is expensive too. Everything requires MONEY.... just enjoy the sex :)
definitely tell her its the wrong thing to do
if she's planning the pregnancy
what about her future?
education ?
career ?
how is she going to raise the baby ?
with no money
raising a baby is not easy
teen pregnancy is not sucha good idea because i hate to say it babies are very expensive!!! theres diapers to pay for. baby wipes. clothes. baby formula. food. diapers. diapers and more diapers babies use A LOT of diapers... and theres also dr. visits and shots and pictures... a lot of money that young teens cant afford...
I would tell them to wait. Life can be complicating enough for a teen or young adult without the responsibilities of raising a another human. With very little life experiences of their own how will they be properly prepared to help their child learn about life. They will be growing up together and that is not fair to the child.
Education is very important, especially now where many high school grads also have an associates degree making it more difficult in the job market.
It is true that having and caring for a child is very expensive but what if the pregnancy resulted in multiple births (that is something to consider). The cost of that could be overwhelming and cause these young children to in turn resent their child due to the struggle of survival.
I myself was a teen parent (17 when I got pregnant 18 at birth), still a senior in high school. I had a very supportive family, but not all parents react the same and I witnessed that with class mates.
I was fortunate to graduate with my class but did not get to go to college and follow my dreams until I was way older (32 before I got my first degree in college).
Just wait, enjoy your OWN life before having to constantly worry about someone Else's.
In a nut shell thats my advice. Good Luck on your school work!
i would tell them to finish school, learn more about what having kids is like, talk to a reliable source who actually has kids, and get married. then, fi you still think its worth it..have kids.
You should tell her there is a time and a place for everything. Careful planning is the best way to have a child, and in that planning there is a lot of money and support and future responsibilities to consider.
They can enjoy being a Mom more if they are well-educated (their children will likely be more successful) and financially stable (like having retirement, good insurance and savings accounts not just a steady paycheck). Also, being a Mom is a selfLESS act, meaning one should think about what they can give to their children FIRST, not just what they can get out of it (ie a cute baby).
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