Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Any advice for a teen thinking about killing themselves?

okay so i know this person she has a good family but with all teens she does get in a lot of fights with her mom. she thinks that her mom is old fashion and doesnt understand her and her problems. she feels like she has no one except for her almost lover. a boy who is a little older but totally understands her. he really really likes her and she really really likes him. and thats one of the only things keeping her alive is knowing that if she did kill herself then it would break his heart and she cant bare to think of that but if her mom keeps doing what she is doing im afraid he will not be the enough from stoping her. i need to know what i can do help pleaseAny advice for a teen thinking about killing themselves?
wow that's deep and I know exactly how she feels but then I met God.. the only man(person) who (i thought) loved me but come to find out when I met him I met my true mom and dad and all my friends were there more and my life actually got better after my ';suicidal phase'; now imma saved woman that knows how to ';brush off the pain and learn from it'; so let them read this and even though I don't know them I love them dearly and don't want them to leave life without livin it to the fullestAny advice for a teen thinking about killing themselves?
It sounds like your friend is going through some serious depression. It's common for everyone to have trouble shrugging off depression, and we all go through some hard times. However, it sounds like your friend is having difficulty seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. The best thing you can do is try to be there for them. Hear them out and remind them that life wont always suck.
A boy is your soul mate(u think) but you know him better when you live with him or marry him because then you know what really he is. Mother is never enemy of her children . so, love her not him. Because you can find another boyfriend but not another mother.
tell your teacer at school. the one you like or trust.

They will take care of it.

and ask them to not mention your name.

right a anonomous letter and drop it off in the school office.
good grief!!!!! tell her MOM ,counselor or someone ,this person needs help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay, so have you thought she may be depressed. Even if she doesn't want to go to a counselor it doesn't matter you need to talk with someone like that with the concern of your friend. When my parent's divorced I got depressed. When my mom started abusing me I kind of went insane. I'm still sort of on the brink, I still have to see her but I'm trying to get better. All I can say is that emotions can drown you, you can stop thinking for yourself and some inner emotion can start drowning you and taking over your once normal self.

Talk you her mother, tell her what she's doing to her own child she may not even know what she's doing. Perhaps talk to the father. If not some school guidence counselor. ANYTHING!!!!
Speaking from my own personal experience, teen years can be extremely rough and can lead to feeling trapped and thoughts of suicide. First and foremost, if your friend is showing serious signs of depression and you are worried, you should urge her to talk to someone. Anyone she feels comfortable talking to; a different family member, a school conselor, even a suicide hotline. Anyone that she may be able to feel open to discuss the root of what is bothering her. Secondly, make her think of other things that make her happy - not just an older boy. Remind her of all of the other things that she has to live for, other family, pets, friends, prom, graduation, college, a wedding, children and so on. If she and her mother do not get along well, she may just not be able to see the light at the end of her tunnel. Remind her of all of the great things that are still yet to come for her in her life. Keep reinforcing the positive! Lastly, if none of these things work, check into your state's laws. In Florida, we have what is called the ';Baker Act'; It is a law that states any person threatening to harm themself or another will spend up to 72 hours in any one of over 100 Florida Department of Children and Family designating recieving facilities. If you need additional help, speak to a close relative, teacher, counselor, etc. I lost my best friend when I was 13 because I didn't recognize the signs or speak up. Don't let fear of your friend being mad at you stop you from doing what you feel is right. Trust me, she probably will be mad, but eventually, she will realize you only did it because you cared. Besides, wouldn't it be better for her to be around to be mad at you than to wish you had said something?

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