Friday, April 30, 2010

Do u have any advice for this invisible teen??

okay well im a freshman in hs...and first semester i got a 4.0 gpa...first time ever and very proud of myself

now its second semester and if i dont get a 4.0 this time around its going to look like i dropped on my transcript and colleges wont like talking about IVY leagues..!!! so far i have 4 As and 2Bs thats what happened in the beg. for me but i got them up to all As!!! do u think i can pull em up to As??? can i do it? i mean i have until end of june...please any study advice u can give me???? i really want to finish hs with over a 4.0 because my dream is to go to med school... and i hope to God i will be successful one day soo if u think im being a lil paranoid with my grades im not i just want the best of the best!!

ThanksDo u have any advice for this invisible teen??
I understand how you feel exactly. In high school, I was addicted to the almighty four point. You should be proud of yourself for working so hard and having such high ambitions. But PLEASE remember this: Your grades do not define you. Your success or failure does not define you. What does define you? Well, thats something you have to figure out for yourself.

However, back to your actual questions:

1. Yes, you can get them up to A's by June. No question there.

2. Study advice:

- Have someone proof read all your papers

- Distribute your study time for each class appropriately (AKA if you spend all your time on one subject because its tough, thats bad. Do a set amount of studying for that class and move on)

- Talk to the teachers about extra credit

- When studying for tests draw diagrams and think about the bigger picture of what you are studying. For example, if you understand general cell biology really well, you will get the specifics intuitively and wont have to work as hard to memorize them.Do u have any advice for this invisible teen??
You're a lil paranoid, and colleges don't usually consider freshman grades, because some middle or junior high schools go from grades 6-9 or et cetera, so there's nothing to fear, yet. And just focus on learning, the grades will follow.
you're too paranoid. you're only a freshmen,

colleges don't really look at anything besides

your SAT/ACT score and your junior and senior year.

chill out kid, you're doing good but you're just going

to have bad grades from being so paranoid cause you'll

get frustrated and give up.

jeeez you make me look like an idiot.

this is my junior year, last semester i got all A's

and that was like the first......since probably 1st grade

so. if i can do it, you can do it.
Well, maybe study a bit harder, and ask your teachers if you can do extra credit, and tell them your reasons, but don't over stress yourself. Get enough sleep, and make sure you're eating enough, especially breakfast. Breakfast helps you function better during the day. Also exercise in your free time. Exercising helps get rid of stressful feelings, and can help you think better and focus more on school.

And for the record, I wish I had your grades.

I'm failing most of my classes.

I suppose I should start practicing what I preach, huh? =]]
Yes, you can definitely get them up, if you get virtually like perfect grades...

You seem pretty determined...i think you'll be able to accomplish it....

You're not being paranoid...I'm like this too sometimes.

haha :).
First...... RELAX!!!!

I've been there, in fact I rammed myself into the ground so much during high school that I actually failed 2 classes for one quarter. Don't stress yourself out that way!!

You can be a doctor without having a 4.0 in high school. You have a long way to go; you have to finish high school and do at least a few years of college before you can even apply to med school. You need to do well in school, true. But med schools want to see that you are a well-rounded individual. Participate in extra-curriculars, have fun, be in some plays, sing in the chorus, play sports, take a foreign language, join science club, have FUN!!

I understand that you want the best, and you sound like you are willing to work at it. But med schools look at the person not just at your transcript. So try to develop yourself into the best person you can be.

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