Friday, April 30, 2010

Hi, once again a teen searching for advice about dating. Read the details.?

I've liked this girl for about 2 years now and when we first met we liked each other, but her friend got between us or whatever. But after that we became great friends (which kind of puts me out of the dating range). And we are both kinda religious, we go to the same church. But I was wondering how can i try to work my way into being more than friends. Because every since i've known her i can't stop thinking about her. No matter what even if i date someone else (to try to stop thinking about her) i can't shake it. She says im her best guy friend and that she can talk to me about anything. But that sucks cuz im still not the guy she wants to date. Help please.Hi, once again a teen searching for advice about dating. Read the details.?
Man every guy has been there. The real question is this in a nut shell do I want to keep her as a friend or not. If I try and it fails will your relationship with her will have changed totally. The easiest way is just go up to her and ask her out not a your buddy but a a woman. If she says yes then you may find just what you want on the other hand if she says no yours and her relationship will never be the same again. To that point also if you go out for several months and then decide that it just isn't working out again she will never be your buddy again. I will tell you when I was your age I would have taken the chance and asked her out and told her just how I felt. Ten years down the road she will either be your wife or a wonderful memory, but what she won't be is your buddy. If you married her she would always be your very best friend. The choice is up to you to bring it to the table but in the end it will be her choice.

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