Friday, April 30, 2010

Just another teen looking for advice on girls?

as far as friends go i know girls but liking girls i know nothing im just looking for tips/advice on meeting girls, getting to know girls,asking them out, knowing if they like you and how to tell, stuff like that. im 15 in high school and im not the best at this kind of stuff(aka i have no freaking clue) i need all the help i can getJust another teen looking for advice on girls?
Decide what you want, and be bold and upfront when you go after it.

(Bold not forceful)

Also, trust no one.Just another teen looking for advice on girls?
okay well, the best thing to do is be honest, if you think you might be intrested in a girl try and talk to her, start any casual conversation and tell her you'd like to get to know her. most girls will find it flattering and give you a shot, if they don't, don't worry about it, there probably not worth all the fuss anyways if there rude.

if you have friends that are girls you already know how some act, maybe try making new friends that are girls and go out somewhere with a group of friends, be open to new things and be social with other people not just girls your friends might like.

in the process of meeting new people you'll find new things you like to do and discover traits you like about people.

if a girl likes you, you'll most likely be able to tell, she'll like being around you, smile, laugh, maybe she'll call you

but just because they don't make it completely obvious doesn't mean they don't like you, give things time, and gradually you'll learn

i hope this helped =D
Alright heres what you do...

You see a girl in your class or school, say you think she is cute and really seems nice. You walk up to her and introduce yourself for instince if you have a class with her and you see her in the hall tell her you both have class together. Don't be one of those creepy akward people that like practically stalks the poor girl lol. Talk to her when you see her that will help you get to know her better just talk like you do to your friends except dont act like shes a dude and talk about chicks and junk. Once you get to know her well enough ask her out and mabey take her out to dinner, meet your parents, to a movie or something. Make sure you get to become good friends before that cause it might be a little sketchy if you ask her out quickly.
Im 22 and most girls are pretty easy to tell if they have a crush on you especially your age...they probably giggle a lot, and look your way..maybe even try to casually touch your shoulder or walk your way when they were going the complete opposite. They probably smile at you a lot and look your general direction stuff like that.

Meeting girls is easy....find a sport or a activity after school that you would enjoy and spark a freindship there, that way atleast you guys have stuff in common.

Getting to them is also easy...just listen to them...dont just stare off actually listen and ask questions, that way they know you are not just a regular guy who does not care.

Asking out is rather simple also...Find that sport or activity, get some new friends from there and when u think u might be sure that the girl likes you, or atleast seems interested ask her to do something you both like...not just watch a movie or go out to eat...but like a hobby of both yours, and bring some friends and hers...not so awkard that way...friends fiorst lovers later..sometimes its just easier

good luck! and just be yourself...and dont turn into one of those jerks that girls always talk about, there is enough of them out the nice guy...girls will come too
Ok i'm the type of girl that is shy. so if you're dealing with someone like me you probably want to start the conversation. You can sometimes tell with girls if they want to talk to you or not.

If you talk to her and she seems bored or uninteresting, like turning back around to talk to someone else, then that probably isn't going to go anywhere.

Asking out; do it yourself! don't send a friend to do it. it is more manly to do it yourself.

My suggestioin is instead of just asking her straight out ';do you want ot go out with me'; ask her if she likes you. if she says no, it is less embarrassing ( for her and you) then having her refuse to go out with you.

Know: ummm that is kind of tough. if she looks at you alot (like you catch her looking) then she might. Normally girls (or atleast me) like a guy that they talk to. so if you talk to her and she seems to enjoy it then there may be something.

It is very difficult to tell if someone likes you or not. Trust me we as a species are confussing and very hard to understand a girls mind.
This is the time in your life where you develop your social skills, so get a girls number. Complement them, find some pick up lines on the internet and ask them for there number. Talk to them a few times a week and see what they like in a boy ( a boy who treats them nice is what they want) and just become good friends with them. I would not suggest trying to get a girlfreind, because they are really emotional sometimes and its to much for you to worry about.
I know how you feel, I'm 17, and I'm quite the loner, the best place to meet girls is at school, or friends of friends, during your teenage years its hard to meet girls out in public. Try joining a school club, or going to some parties (I don't know much about parties, i don't participate). Don't be afraid to talk to girls at school you don't know yet, an introduction is half the battle
girls usually like it better when the guy makes the first move you can invite them to hang out or to go watch a movie i personally like that better

you try and talk to them more and make friends with them and then if the friendship goes further than that and you like the girl you can later ask her out that's my advice=)

good luck
hun, im a girl, but i thought i might give you some of my personal experiences. im gonna be a junior next year and to be honest, hardly any guys have a clue in my grade. so if u are asking now, u r gonna be in pretty good shape when you are a junior. if u like a girl, smile at her every now and then. i love a guy who smiles and has a great personality. go talk to her and flirt (joke with her and give little hints like, did everyone ever tell you you have a great smile? or ask her, what have you been doing lately?) always try to start a conversation with her and LET HER TALK BACK!!!! i cant express that enough. ill admit it. girls like to talk (especially when its about ourselves). so let us!!! but other than this, just be yourself and dont be afraid to make yourself noticed, meaning go talk to girls. dont worry, everything is gonna go great for you during the next few years!!! i hope i've helped!

please help with mine? (it might help u with yours some more);鈥?/a>
Well as cliche as this may sound best that works is be yourself, as far as if they like you I couldn't help you there, also the best way to ask them out is either when they least expect it, or if you can't do that when you're on the phone or if you can't do that then online, the worst way that ever works is get someone else to ask her out for you
Always be respectful and polite to girls flirt a little and call them pretty if they are. But don't be too nicey nice or girls will take it as a sign of weakness and desperation and not want you. Also if a girl plays hard to get at first thats normal don't give up on her. :)
You have no ';freaking'; clue? Hahah!

Well they like you if they are moany at you, but keep coming back for more! Getting to know girls is something people can't help you with, we women are all very different!;_ylt=Apc6VQIitq6wxt6KWVlLAI_sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090615095203AAQCuHI Please?
Biggest thing: don't be mean to a girl that you like. Instead of thinking you like her, she'll be completely turned off. Be nice, and a gentleman...but at the same time not stalkerish. If a girl is always hitting you playfully, touching, or making fun of you, she's probably interested.
';Pushing, hitting'; yep, if you are 5 not 15! Just talk to them about something you like to do, sport, art, fishing see what they like. don't be a goof. Just be fun to be with and trustworthy.
well, i'm a 17 year old girl and if i was to explain to you everything then we would be here all day... i'm going to write it all out then I will edit it
In general, if girls are mean to you or always push you... that is a good thing. It shows they have interest in you.


girls love it when you make the first move.

A girl doesn't like you?

Move on.
watch the movie hes just not that into you

(not kidding)

it helps.
be a man make your first move
well u dont need tips u need 2 listen 2 ur heart
well...teen girls like guys who are friendly, funny and trustworthy (ie if they ask you to do something for example, you won't screw up)...thats the main also helps if you're a bit popular, not a nerd and good looking (they say its personality that matters, but in teenage they're ALSO (not primarily) interested in finding a guy they can show off...and also who they can spend time with and be good friends with and the regular stuff) if you want to meet girls, get someone to introduce you, don't come on too strong, cuz thats stalkerish

to get to know them, you gotta LISTEN, and converse properly...and listen more...but also talk or you'll make them uncomfortable and self conscious. if you like a girl, the best way to ask her out is be that flirty friend, who she isnt exactly sure she wants as a buddy only

after getting to know her better (by asking about her interests etc and sharing yours too) become closer, like by confiding things in her and answering her if she asks you for help. also you can casually ask her to hang out with you then take things from there...

knowing if they like you - look out for the teltale signs (like looking at you then away, smiling, laughing around you, her friends give you a 'knowing' smile, are nice to on wikihow for more details)

another thing i remembered...if you want to be a success with a particular girl, her FRIENDS are probably the key to that,,,they matter alot and are NOT overrated trust me

also, if she isnt the jokey type, insulting her friendly-ly is not a good idea, but if she has a sense of humor (and you do too) they'll like you more!

whew, and that is the basics of advice on teenage girls (requested topics lol)

its long but hopefully helpful

good luck :) a teen girl too and so i know what im talking about! (for the girls who are a bit like me too)

hehe.... :P
Lucky you, young grasshoppa: you've got the Net so you'll get lots of feedback on this. Anyhoo, you say you know some girls. So you at least know how to interact with 'em! Use some of your gal friends as a means to meet other girls. Ask them to introduce you to someone. The potential blind date will at least have her friend telling her you're a cool guy, etc. Also ask your gal friends to teach you to dance. Women LOVE!!!! dancers b/c they love to go out %26amp; dance.

Asking a girl out doesn't have to be a big deal. Its like asking someone to tag along to something you both might find fun. And fun is the main thing. Girls want to laugh so make it lighthearted. Movies are good but you won't get to necessarily know her since you'll sit %26amp; watch a flick for 90+ minutes. So be sure to chat her up before %26amp; after the flick. And make the flick something you'll both like.

As for how to tell if girls like you, its different from girl to girl but, generally, if they smile at you a lot that's a good thing. If they laugh at your jokes its another sign. If she tilts her head or plays with her hair as she's listening to you talk, you've got another sign. Incidentally, get together with some guy friends who AREN'T obnoxious around girls. Loner guys freak the modern girl out.

Hang with a guy friend who meets girls. He'll hook you up with someone when you 2 go out looking for girls. Overall, just give it a go!

Good luck!
Lol first I'll give you a huge piece of advise...never listen to the people saying listen to your heart because girls are alot more complicated then that.

1.Don't run after a girl, let them chase after you. (girls love a guy they can't have)

2.To get them chasing after you, do everything in your power to look good every morning (like getting a surfer's haircut [the biggest thing girl's go goo goo over for this year], cleaning your face every night and keeping up with the styles but not the style like baggy pants blah.)

3.Never be shy in front of them or over powering (example) If a girl ask you out on a date [DON'T] Yah what time!! and when should I pick you up!! [DO] Sure, how about Friday night.

4.Be a gentlemen but tough at the sametime (example) If someone is picking on a girl you like[SAY] Back off man.[MEAN DUDE SAYS] Make me! [SAY] Scum like you are a waste of time.[walk away]

She'll be like %26lt;33333

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