Tuesday, April 27, 2010

This is a question for any girls with advice for a teen and guys that have advice to. Oh and im a guy.?

All right this might sound weird but i didn't know where to look for advice. I am 14 years old and yes i'm young to be asking what interests girls teens ? I mean i see them talking to all the athletic guys with big muscles on the football team and sometimes he might come across as a jerk but they seem to be okay with it. My situation is that im not athletic but i'm not overweight i don't go out for sports well one this year but just one and i'm short. But my wost problem is that i don't know what to say when i confront a girl and then when i trip over my own words i end up sounding like a jerk which i don't want to be and then try to correct myself. By this time she has turned me down and walked away leaving me with a feeling of small emptiness. So what do i say how do i say it does anyone have any advice for me?This is a question for any girls with advice for a teen and guys that have advice to. Oh and im a guy.?
Im a 16 year old girl, and i never went for the good looking guys. They usually turn out to be stuck up assholes. Just be yourself, and be nice. Ask some one out to the movies since you can focus on the movie since there isnt alot of talking so you wont trip over your words. try having a friend ask for you.This is a question for any girls with advice for a teen and guys that have advice to. Oh and im a guy.?
dude. all the girls are just as uncomfortable and awkward in these situations as you are. You just cant see that bc youre so focused on your own worried. 14 is a weird weird WEIRD age. give yourself 2 or 3 years and everything evens out a little better between girls and guys. Just focus on your own interests and be a positive guy ... girls like someone who is positive and try to get a few girls a friends JUST friends. that will help you in the future.

dont worry so much ... life gets better :)
im athletic but i dont like athlitic guys thats random whatever ...just flirt and stuff, be funny but not mean-like mean jokes, i hate that....

answer mine?

let the truth come from your heart, dont get shy and feel confident with yourself. everything gets easier after this
I'm a 14 year-old girl. I know that it may seem like all the girls are interested in the popular guys--but really they are not (trust me). Different girls like all different types of guys--so don't worry! The girls who flirt with the popular guys are the girls who flirt to be popular, but secretly have a crush on the guy around the corner. Now you need to start talking to all different types of girls, and flirting with all different types of girls. **Practice makes perfect!** Even if you have a crush on one girl, don't focus all your attention on her--you might freak her out! Just start out by talking in a friendly way to all girls--start the way you talk to guys. You will soon learn what girls like! GOOD LUCK!!!
just be sweet talk to her say hi hows it goin? want to meet up at lunch time?? if she says yes your 3/4 of the way there go for it

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