Friday, April 30, 2010

What words of advice would you have for a teen who is facing parenthood?

need some help, cant think of any right nowWhat words of advice would you have for a teen who is facing parenthood?
Keep your head high, don't let others get to you, and you can do whatever you want in life if you put your heart and mind to it.What words of advice would you have for a teen who is facing parenthood?
Dont listen to what other people tell you about being too young to be a good mother...prove them wrong
Implore her to put the kid up for adoption. Children have the best chance when they have two parents who were expecting them and are fully prepared to do everything they can to see that the kid is raised in a loving home.
Don't let there

be a next time!!
Good luck (laughs).
As a new mom (no matter what your age) you get a lot of ';hand patting, you're just over reacting';. If you truly feel something is wrong with you or your child and your/child's Dr. won't do anything, go to another Dr.
it's going to be very very hard. most teen who get pregnant and want to keep their babies think it's going to be easy to take cares of a child because they have babysat for years and helped take care of their younger brothers and sisters. however, taking care of your own children is completely different. it's hard enough when you are actually older, stable, and have a husband to help you. let alone when you are doing it underaged and by yourself.
'; How much are those condoms, please miss'; - then it wouldn't have happened !
why did you have sex in the first place?

you shoould be asking about high school classes and prom.
1. Continue with your education. It is the way to a better life for you and your baby.

2. Try to stay with the baby's father. Notice I didn't say marry him-only do that if you were going to anyhow. However, dad has a right to see his child, and he can be a source of financial support. Your child has a right to know his father.

3. Have a life of your own. Try to go out for a few hours a week. Leave the baby with dad, your parents, or a babysitter. It will help you be a better parent.

4. READ TO YOUR CHILD! I cannot stress this enough.
DON'T GIVE WAY TO EVERY ADULT THAT THINKS THEY KNOW MORE THEN A 'STUPID TEENAGER'! Raise your child the way you see best and don't let others pressure into doing things you don't want to do. Age doesn't always make you smarter.
Be responsible for your actions, treat your child like you would like to grow up. Learn from your mistakes and teach others, don't be pushed around by people that think they know more than you.
I would tell a teen the following:

It's going to be hard. You will have to be stronger than most mothers. You will be frowned at by many people because you are young. Some people are just very judgemental. Keep your head high. Always follow your instincts and never let anybody get you down. You are a wonderful person for facing this problem face on, and you will make an excellent mother as long as you love your child and give him/her the best life anybody possibly could.

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