Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Advice for a teen!?? Help!! =[?

I think I am scared to fall in love. I found someone I feel DEEPLY connected to (and I'm not talking physically, I mean a real spiritual/emotional connection). But I just can't give my all because I know that I will fall MADLY in love and possibly marry this person (in the distant future). I just wanna live my life before making any huge commitment, but at the same time, I really do like this person and wouldn't want to lose them because I'm ';not ready'; to grow up and love.

HELP?!!!Advice for a teen!?? Help!! =[?
I think you need to let your gaurd down and fall in love I mean you already like this person and you think you can make a relationship work and fall in love with this person I have fallen in love once and I can tell you when you are really in love you would do anything for the person you love to make them happy and if you're so scared of committment then you shouldn't date because to fall in love you have to give everything to that person you have to let them have your heart and hope to god they don't break it and I know that is a scary situation to trust someone with something so valuable like that but you have to if you want to fall in love and believe me it's worth it to feel the love he is giving to you at the same time so I would go for it if I were you and let my gaurd down slowly each month of dating letting out some more personal secrets and seeing the reaction and seeing a trust develop to get you closer and closer and telling them those secrets will make your emotional connection better as well as you let your gaurd down each time you share something personal with them so I hope this helped and I hope which ever path you take you have a good time going down it=)Advice for a teen!?? Help!! =[?
Just stay really good friends w/ this person until u r ready 2 make a commitment and explain ur feelings so that u don't confuse him. Maybe he is feeling the same way. He might even want 2 expirience life w/ u and not make a commitment right away.
not too sure if u guys are going out and all but u have to play the game, where u have to have him want u. Some days just dont talk to him, call him. If he calls u, talk, if he doesnt, dont call him, wait till he calls u, take turns....
just take it a day at a time...if you fall, you fall, but don't make stupid decisions because of him...love is great =) you seem to have this thing down, so just carry on as you 2 are...and be happy that you found someone that makes you happy =)
well you could take it seriously, let yourself go, but you need to weigh your options, do you really like them enough to take the next step, or are you not sure about your relationship?....
Just become friends so their always there and then in the future after a couple of flings ;) you can reunite :)
how old are you? if you're like 15, well...let's just say very very very few teenage lovers EVER marry. and what's so bad about

falling madly in love? any girl would freaking die to have that

just go with the flow. :]

what's meant to happen will happen.

People like that are hard to come by, so don't take him for granted! trust meeeee. :) i've been there done that.
Well, just hang out and do friend things together... Nothing big or drastic, but nothing small and insignificant.
just keep the relationship flowin. you'll know when the right time comes.
remember to wait untill mairage. but yes, if they like you back, go for it!

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