Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I might be pregnant. Any advice for a teen?

Ok, so I'm a 15 year old girl. My last period was on May 23rd or 24th [not for sure though] me and my boyfriend had sex...twice without a condom, and he didn't pull out. That was on June 7th I think. I'm worried that I could get pregnant and I've been having a few symptoms. I need some advice or someone I could talk to. I don't want to call someone or some kind of hotline, but it would be nice to find someone who has good adivce, or to even to IM me. That would be really cool. I'm kinda scred right now.....:[I might be pregnant. Any advice for a teen?
1-800-230-PLAN (1-800-230-7526) to find the Planned Parenthood clinic nearest you.

Since you are underage you may want to check this site out to see about parental consent laws and whatnot. http://www.sexetc.org/state

Email me if you need to.I might be pregnant. Any advice for a teen?
you ovulate two weeks before you get your period and sperm can survive 2-3 days inside you. If younormally have your period every 5-6 weeks Id lean more twords you arnt, but if its ever four weeks id be concerned. Learn from this experiance dear you are way to young for a baby. I went into my senior year thinking i was pregnant and the scare makes having sex not worth it. Also if you plan to continue to have sex id recomend the pill. Good luck girl i hope everything works out
if you didn't want this why didn't you use protection or at least get him to pull out? you brought this on your self i have no sympathy
just wait atleast 2 weeks then take a test.
you could be...if i'm counting right that was around you ovulation time.. wait until your period is do to get a test too.
Sex at 15 you should be doing other things with your youth, it goes by so quickly but I have to say that if you thought you were adult enough to have sex then you need to be adult about this and deal with it no use in wondering about it take a test because a good pregnancy test will tell you straight away no matter how soon you are into it. If I were you I would call my so called boyfriend and get him to support you in this as it is not only you that was being irresponsible. I hope for your sake that if you are not that you will focus on your education and making something out of your life do you really what to raise a child at 15 and chances are that that bf of your is going to run as fast and as far as he can.

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