Friday, April 30, 2010

Advice for me, an immatured teen please?

we re having a gathering tomorrow, at my house. we have said earlier to prepare for the steamboat together. but now, everyone will be late . even one of them pull out at the last minute.

I'm indeed angry. it's is meant to be done together. i'm not the one suggested but since my house is the most suitable spot so i allow it to be held here upon request from friend.

i'm still angry. but at the same time, blaming myself to be such immatured. it's actually just a small petty issue yet i'm incensed by this. and i'm always like this, i mean pissed off by small things.

if u were me, how would you tell yourself to be calm, to stop blamming your friends, to think positively and maturely ?

i know i'm wrong and this is something to be learnt and overcome in life. i hope i can be like my mum, more considerating and thoughtful towards other. but till now, i cant find a reason to forgive such unimportant things!Advice for me, an immatured teen please?
It sounds to me like your expectations of your peers are not realistic. I am guessing that the steamboat has something to do with school.

Thinking positively and thinking maturely are two different things. If you expect people to be late and even cancel at the last minute, then deal with that. Don't make the mistake of letting everyone lean on you (that's not maturity, it's submission). I believe this kind of thing happens because of assignments from school - assignments which you students wouldn't choose to do if you weren't in school and provides excellent information on how to do it.

Whether I'm on the right track or not, I recommend that you check out Grace Llewellyn's ';The Teenage Liberation Handbook'; in which she makes a good argument for liberating yourselves from school.Advice for me, an immatured teen please?
your friends blew you off. Anyone would be angry at first. But they are the losers. Never say a word, just never invite them to anything again or more importantly never accept invitations from them. To anything. Drop them.

Silence, hard as it will be will be the best way.

';I don't know, ask them.'; when someone asks what the problem is.

The less you refer to the blow off the more obvious it will be that these guys are not friends.

';We had a delightful time, thank you.'; and leave i at that.

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