Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Advice?for a teen who did something in a moment of anger.?

so this morning i called my mom because i needed my birth certificate/social security card %26amp; i was in a hurry to get to the dmv for my permit test %26amp; she told me to look in this one place %26amp; it wasnt there and she was like oh actually it might be in my room %26amp; i got angry(because she plays these games all the time %26amp; likes to hide things from me) %26amp; threw the phone at the wall and it left a little gash and the paint is chipping %26amp; now i feel really bad because she just bought this house %26amp; had it painted %26amp; i don tknow,i couldnt control my anger i usually dont get mad like this, only a couple of times before and its always with her..the last time it was really bad and i hit her a couple of times(%26amp; believe me i felt horrible)%26amp; after that time i told her to make me an appointment for a counselor but she never did..but maybe if she had this wouldnt have happened..what should i do?i know apoligizing isnt going to do much..Advice?for a teen who did something in a moment of anger.?
One thing you could have done to avoid this altogether was to ask for what you need the night before. That would require some planning on your part but if you are old enough for a driver's license you are old enough to act responsibly. That's one thing.

Hitting back and forth is not for human beings to do. You say there have been problems before and you and your mother both need to see a therapist to work out your anger issues which are immense.

As far as social services being involved, that shows your relationship is already compromised and you both need to work together and separately to straighten that out.

Your mother is the adult and should take the lead in finding help for you both. If she doesn't, you need to ask for help so you don't continue the cycle. Ask at school, talking to your counselor, and follow the advice you are given.

You have done something to be sorry for but you have more issues and it seems as though you may have to work on them through your own strengths, which will be very hard but its your life.

Try to take the high road for yourself and it may help your mom as well. Good luck to you.Advice?for a teen who did something in a moment of anger.?
Firstly, breathe. I can see that you are really guilty and you feel real real really bad, and you just have to remember the past, but don't drag it with you everywhere. You have the potential to be the first women in your family to change the pattern that has passed from mother to daughter.

The first thing you can do is to talk with you mother. Go to her at a good time and have a little mother-daughter talk. Stay calm and tell her how you feel about everything. Let her tell you how she feels, if she wants. But just try to get through with her how badly you feel. After the talk, learn to control the anger and vent it on something else other than her. Go for a long jog, or rest, or something that will calm you down. Then, whenever you do have a conflict take it into your own hands and talk it out with you dear mother.

As for the splitting with the husband thing, don't marry with someone until you know 100% for sure that he is going to make you happy for the rest of your life, because that's what a husband should be doing in the first place. Take your time in finding Mr. Definitely-Positively-Right.

Lastly, stay strong.
You just have to realize that your mom puts you above everyone in the world and though she may not act like it sometimes, she does. Everyone gets angry, thats life, I can understand why you are a little more angry with the cheating thing, but you should never hit your mom or show physical abuse. If she recently painted the walls then i would suggest finding the paint she used and paint the chipping paint. Just think before you act and realize that life could be worse...
A mother may be angry for such a stunt, but always know a mother will love her child anyway. I tell my kids, ';I don't like what you have done, but I do love you as my child.'; If you talk with your mom, tell her that really feel out of control at times and would like to get some therapy for anger management soon. One day your anger may get you into major trouble and you should do your best to avoid that. It will affect your jobs and your life in general. Also, offer to work and pay for having the wall fixed and repainted. That should show your mom that you are serious about getting help for this problem. Good luck to you!
well, I think that you need to tell her again that you need to see someone about this. It seems like your afraid of what you might become, and she should be told that. Hopefully she will get you some help once she hears that. As far as the cheating, we all make our own paths in life. Cheating is not a gene that is passed down from one generation to another. Just because they did it, does not mean that you will in any way, shape or form
Can you live with your dad? other relatives? friends? It sounds that you live in a house where your mom is a little well to say it nicely, mentally ill. I think you need to get out of there if she is making you mad and it gets to this point then get out and go somewhere safe

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