Friday, April 30, 2010

Advice for soon to be teen mother?

So here is my sad story. I have just found out that I am over two months pregnant and I am only seventeen. My parents practically disowned me when I told them about it so their is no hope from them, and my boyfriend is just starting college this fall and says he isn't going to through his life away on his high school girlfriend and a baby that might not even be his. (Which is ridiculous because he is the only person I have ever been with, he just doesn't want to take responsibility for his actions).

I am not going to have an abortion, it is not and will never be an option. And I have medical problems that make it practically impossible to get pregnant (which is how I got pregnant because we didn't use any protection because my OB/GYN said I would never be able to conceive). So I refuse to give my child up for adoption because he or she maybe the only child I ever have, the baby may have come at a bad time but he/she is a miracle!

I have just started college and don't want to drop out. Of course I will have to take spring semester off when I have my baby but then I want to go right back. I have a minimum wage part time job but I know that wont be enough to take care of my baby. I need help but don't have anyone. I would love to hear some advice from other mothers, exspecaly teen mothers or former teen mothers. I need both emotional encouragement and financial advice.

Thanks in advance!Advice for soon to be teen mother?
Don't even listen to that stupid ***** Barbq. She isn't the brightest bulb in the box. I think you can do this, because you are willing to and I can tell you already love your baby. The best thing for a baby is his mother. You may however have to hold of school for another year after the baby comes just to get yourself settled. Talk to your college counselor she can help you. She will probably get you a social worker, don't worry their are a lot of government programs out their for you. And a lot of colleges offer family housing. You can get student loans to pay for your education and family housing, and a meal plan. The government will help with the babies needs. I think it is your best bet to stay in school. And you go girl! It is teens like yourself how make me proud are country has government assistance programs.Advice for soon to be teen mother?
Wow I can relate. Except I'm younger. I'm 15 and 12 weeks. The boyfriend dumped me a week after we did what HE wantedto do. He used me really bad. He knew the possiblity of me getting pregnant and how it would change his life and he just couldn't havethat. So I was on my own. Almost 3 months later I

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DI guess you better find a way to stay in school. You have NO idea how POOR you are going be on Public Assistance. NO money at all for anything other than rent and diapers.

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He isn't going to be involved? Take him to court. Get a paternity test and if the baby is his he will HAVE to pay child support. What a jerk.

Help your parents understand your situation.

You can do it. It will be hard but it's worth it for you %26amp; your baby.

I know that wasn't a lot but... w/e
Well just pray for answers and talk to people who have already experianced it. Good luck honey.
That's a tough situation.

I'm a teen mom! I had all of the support of my family, boyfriend and his family so my situation is alot easier.

First of all, your life IS NOT SCREWED UP, its just an extra addition to your life!! An overwhelming exciting experience in your life. You should talk to your bf's family and tell them. Do you have any other relatives that might help you??

and You won't drop out of college, girls who drop out are just lazyy.

DON'T EVER GIVE UP FOR YOUR CHILD, CUZ ONCE YOU SEE HIM/HER, ALL YOU WANT IS THE BEST FOR HIM/HER. He/she will keep you motivated to do what is best.

Right now my son is sleeping next to me, i'm just watching him. Its tough, but you can get through.

Goodluck %26lt;333
While your sad story seemingly has you backed into a corner and, I could chastise for having unprotected sex, I won't.

Now, For the reasons why:

1. The OB-Gyn saying that due to your medical condition(I presume it is PCOS-Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome), you couldn't have children. My family thought that I would genetically pass something on, because of my own, severe medical history. But, It was my (ex)wife that passed the problems on. My (ex)wife n' her parents lied about there being a problem with my (ex)wife.

2. I thank God, you refuse to get an abortion.

3. I thank you for reaching out, in detail and, not with 'What do I do'.

4. I thank you for going to college. I know you will have to take a semester off, to have the baby. But, With your positive mental attitude about your situation, I see you graduating Magna *** Laude or, Summa *** Laude.

5. I included the link to the specific page, at Bethany Christian Services, for parenting. They should be able to give you some financial ideas.
That's so sad that your parents and boyfriend acted like that! Do you think maybe your parents are just a little shocked right now but will get over it and decide to help you out? I think it's great that you have such a good attitude about the baby and that you see it as a miracle even though it's not coming at the best time. The whole miracle thing is actually really touching and almost made me cry (I'm PMSing lol) =). You're doing the right thing and being very mature about everything and I applaud you for it. You should be able to get WIC to help buy formula and stuff for your baby. Do you think it's possible that you could find a job that paid more than minimum wage? If you have good qualifications (experience with kids, CPR and First Aid certification, etc.) you can make pretty good money as a nanny/babysitter. If you found the right family they might also let you bring your baby with you so you could work without having to pay for childcare. It also helps if you're majoring in education or nursing or something like that because parents like to hire babysitters in those fields. I'm a nursing student and depending on the family, I make around $12 - $15 an hour babysitting/nannying. In my state minimum wage is $8 so it's obviously better than McDonald's lol. If you're interested in doing something like that you can just send me a message if you want and I'll give you more details on how to find the best babysitting jobs =). I really love helping people so let me know if there's anything I can do! (Besides giving you a million dollars lol) That's why I'm becoming a nurse so I can help people =) I feel like I'm rambling so I'm going to stop now, but I wish you the best of luck and I hope everything works out for you! Keep your positive attitude!
First of all, let me say I am very disappointed in you, you were so close to not being a pregnant teen...that is all I will say in regards to my disapproval of teen pregnancy, since it does seem you need a lot of help.

First of all, there's this thing you can do, do you have a car? If so, there are companies out there that will pay you to put their ads on your car, they usually pay 400-600 $ a month, it's not very much, but it helps, you can look in on that.

Second of all, once the baby is born, have a blood test, and make your ex pay some child support! It takes 2 to tango, and he carries as much responsibility as you.

Another thing, I don't know what university you're going to, but try going to a community college the first two years, they are so much more cheap than four year universities, and most of them have daycare. General Ed is the same everywhere, as as long as you transfer to a 4 yr and get your BA or BS there, it won't matter much. You can save up a little in the meantime for when you transfer to a 4 yr.

This much I will tell you, it will be a bi^ch getting through college, but it's doable.
YOU CAN DO IT! Not saying it wont be hard, but keeping a positive attitude and doing what ever it takes to care for you and your baby, you will be fine. Take it day by day. Enjoy every minute of it. As for your parents, they should be ashamed of there selves for not sticking by your side. That is their grand-baby and you are their daughter. As for the boyfriend, let him figure it out. He will be the one who misses out. Hopefully every one involved will come around. If not, you will be just fine. I did it, so can you. I had no money, no job and not even in school. I got a job, put myself thru college and found a good man who loves my son as much as i do!
I'm not a teen mother or a mother, but I'd like to try and help.

Even though it might not be the best time to have a baby, if you have problems conceiving then maybe it is for the best that you keep this baby as it could be your only one. My mum said to the same thing to me if I had a child now because it could be the only child I ever have and she wouldn't want her grandchild adopted.

With the job issue, you should have more options because you're over 16. Just look around for things and ask small, family owned businesses as they are more likely to employ you as I found.

Couldn't you go to some sort of teen mothers group or a parenting support group? I'm sure they'll be able to help you as well as give you some more advice. Good luck x
you remind me of me. My mom disowned me also. The only person I had was my aunt thanks goodness. Daddy is round to help with our boys tho. Keep your baby and just try your best. There is hope and love out there for you and your baby. Look in the phone book at see if there is any help out there for young moms. I know a lot here in oregon. I wish you the best of luck, and I hope your mom will come round. Mine still hasn't but I wish you the best. She kicked me out at age 15. If you have any ? you can ask me.
Hey ! Im not a teen mother but I am also seventeen. I'm like SO proud of you for not choosing abortion, I hate when teenagers use abortion as birth control, thats not what its there for. I totally support your decision to keep the baby and I wish you luck, as for financial support, Im not quite sure where you live so Im not sure about the options. Here we have a type of... I dont even know how to explain it, most people call it a baby bonus, its a check you get from the government every month to help support yourself and your baby. As for the father, even if he doesnt have a job, he still may have to pay you child support so long as you can prove the baby is his.

I wish you and your baby luck! If you need more encouragement feel free to get in touch with me!


Puro Amor,

Lacey (:
im so sorry about your parents and your boyfriend (he sounds like an ***) im also sorry about your unfortunate situation but you are right, your baby is a miricle and getting a abortion would be wrong. there are support groups of girls like you that you can join. the best thing to get at this moment in time is support.

now, before i tell you this,remember,what ever you want to happen is YOUR dissision and make sure to choose the path that you think is right. i am just giving you an option to think about. it is possible that you can try an open adoption. wich is were you have option to choose the parents you want to adopt your baby and contact them durring the pregnancy and become close with them. then after the ababy is born they will adopt him/her but you still get to be a part of her life (like an aunt or a sister). somtimes this is the best choice for the baby's best intrest because it is harder than you can ever emagine for both the baby and the mother in times like htis ,and babies that grow up in broken homes usually become depressed and so does the mother.

but this is an extremely hard dicisoin to make and you should leave it up to a random girl on ';yahoo answers'; follow your heart and do what you think is right
Ouch. Honey, I'm sorry, but you're kinda screwed...figuratively speaking. You need to reconsider abortion or adoption. Your child will not have a good life with you. It's selfish of you to keep it.

Maybe your parents will come around. Do you know your boyfriends' parents? Maybe they'll help.
You're asking this in the ADOLESCENTS section? may I remind you that adolescents are supposed to be like in between childhood and adulthood. so some of us are still on the kid side! what tips do you need? remember to change the diapers?

and may i ask why you still call him your boyfriend...?

oh yeah, and congrats. find a person who will actually care for the kid as a fatherly figure. there are actually guys that would do that.

edit:you guys know i'm right. sometimes the truth hurts. i'm not saying she is dumb for having sex, (well, w/o protection) but anyways, i'm just saying, why the adolscents section. i haven't had a kid so i can't exactly provide too much info.

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