Friday, April 30, 2010

Teen moms, please help, me advice for a pregnant teen?

Ok, i am 17 years old, and in my 1st semester of college.

I was doing actually well for myself i graduated from high school in january and started college 3 days after i graduated high school. When i came back to town i got back together with my boyfriend, that i had left and went to north carolina for 5 months. and before i left he got me pregnant, and my mother made me get an abortion.. something that i did not want, but i had to get because she said she was gonna kick me out if i kept it, and i was in another state that i didnt kno anything about, with no car, no money, and no job.. so i had to go thru with it. Ok and since then i was on birth control, but i stopped taking it because of how it made me feel. we tried and tried and tried to make me not get pregnant, but low and behold i am. I know this is gonna look really bad to my family, and i dont want to tell them. my family is the type that dont help, they make u struggle, and they are not good to go to when u need support.

oKTeen moms, please help, me advice for a pregnant teen?
If your boyfriend is willing to be there for you and your baby, it's within your best interest to (if you haven't already) try to get into an apartment or place of your own as soon as you can manage it. Whether or not you keep your child (meaning, give it up for adoption or keep it yourself), it is going to be very detrimental to your pregnancy and your baby's development to have to deal with such extreme stress during the next months. You need to remove yourself from that situation by whatever means are necessary.

DO keep attending school as long as your body allows you to; when you have your degree, you will be thankful as you can get a good job that will really support your family, and allow your boyfriend the chance to go to college for himself. After your child's birth, you can still try to go part time if you need to, so long as you can work it out where either your boyfriend is home during those times to watch the baby, or a close friend is willing to do so. DO NOT give up your college dreams unless it just gets too difficult to manage both; you will be so thankful in the future! And if you apply for financial aid, that can also help defray your costs as well.

It's important that (eventually) your family ought to know about the baby; but so long as you can get out of their influence, you will be better off making the announcement on your own terms. Let them know this is the path you've chosen; you're a fully grown adult (you'll be 18 by the time your baby is born, I'm sure), and responsible for your own life. If they want to be supportive, they're more than welcome to come into your life and be there for your child. Otherwise, please just respect your wishes and let you be the great mom you want to be.

Good luck; I know this will be tough. But you CAN do it; just don't sacrifice ALL your dreams to make it work! (And whatever you do, don't try to work part time and go to school full time while you have a little infant at home -- I did that, and it was insanely difficult! Take turns with hubby going to college.)Teen moms, please help, me advice for a pregnant teen?
Go talk with your student adviser and see what your campus has to offer in regards to support and such.

And I agree, do not allow your mother or ANYONE else to talk you into having an abortion. Adoption is a wonderful option if you decide that keeping your child isn't an option. There's no shame in putting up your child for adoption, it just shows that you were intelligent enough to realize that you couldn't provide for your child, and rather than allowing them to grow up in a tough home situation, you gave them a better chance at life, and you gave a childless couple joy and happiness.

And as far as the birth control situation, there are many different types out there, you should try to find the one that works for you the best. Not all birth control will cause you to have the same reaction.
It's sad to say but going through college is tough enough. And then to add a newborn to the mix will make you stressed and you won't be able to focus in your studies. So you can either give the baby up for adoption or keep it. If your pressured into getting an abortion by your family than you need to explain to them that you don't want to kill it.
don't let your family talk you into another abortion if your out of the house doing good for yourself don't let them run your life its your body and your baby and if your bf is willing to work 2 jobs to take care of you and his baby then you have it good if you want you can tell them if you don't want you don't have to tell them prove your family wrong you can handle yourself and you are going to take care of your responsibilities
Have the kid and have the father take care of him/her until you get out of college. Or put the child in an orphan's home until you are ready to take care of him/her. I am extremely against abortion.
If your boyfriend is going to help, both of you need to get jobs and move out on your own once you're 18. I go to school full time work full time and i am currently pregnant and plan on working after the baby is born. No it will not be easy but it is NOT impossible. You'll be tired and have a lot of responsibility but with the right mindset, you can do it.


I suggest not taking time off from school. I know this sounds crazy but once you stop, you're not likely to go back. Also, you need to sit down with your family and explain to them your plans. They will probably be upset and concerned but you also have to remember that they are your parents and they have that right to be concerned about your well being. After that, there is nothing you can do or say to make them change their mind. They will come around though. Trust me. When i told my mom, she didn't talk to me for 3 weeks. She was concerned. But now, we have really talked about it and she is fine. Good luck!
my 13 yr old friend was going to get an abortion but still hasn't decided. dont let people tell u its murder. if its for your own good you can have one. try though, prove your mother wrong.
keep it, prove them wrong you can get help from to goverment. have your b.f help you to.
its your body and your baby dont let them control your decision if you wont this baby then you keep it you can get help from the goverment if your family dont stick by you in your dicision then thats there preblem there the ones that are going to loose you over it all, prove to them that you can do this you can always go back to college in a year or 2 you have all the time in world to make something of youeself but you never no this could be your last chance to have a baby and be a mum. its your responsabilty to do the right thing by your child and thats what your mum is doing but that baby (your baby) is growing inside you your mum is trying to protect you so explain to her that this baby is growing inside you and its part of you and its your job as a mum to protect your shes doing with you. hope i help and good luck and congrates
dont do another abortion.

There are many people that would take the baby and love the baby.
Don't let your mother talk you into another abortion. If you are thinking that adoption would be a good option for you there are agencies that will provide you will living expenses and all of your medical care. Good luck to you! is one of these agencies that will help you with everything you need
Dont let your mother talk you into getting another abortion

Save up money for your baby, do they have a school in your area with a daycare so you can still get your education? My best friend just had a baby also and didnt have much money, she got her carseat, stoller,playpen,crib, and clothes and even formula all for free (look up a place for un-wed / teen mothers in your area, they'll help your out!where i live its called the Rose of Sharon) if you have any friends who have babies ask them if you can have clothes that thir child grows out of... all my babies clothes i pass down to my friend to help her, she hasnt had to buy any clothes yet! you can also go to baby consignment shops and get nice things second hand which will save you a can e mail me if you wanna know anything else
being a teen and being pregnant will be hard but you know best,if its what you want keep it!!!

good luck hun x
Good Luck
keep the baby go to a teen pregnancy clinic they will help you. you can make it on your own and in time your family will except you they can't hate you forever. i doubt they will even hate you if you keep it. good luck
If you live with your boyfriend when you have the baby you could probably take up to 6 weeks off school but even then get them to email you some work so you don't fall far behind

get food stamps and free diapers off the internet

Good Luck
I feel fo you, it will not be an easy road. I dont have any real advice, I just want to wish you luck and I hope it works out for you.

You have to tell your mom about it though, you wont be able to hide it for long.
get a full time job nannying (one where you can bring your child w/), have your bf get a full time job. try and get jobs where you both work in the mornings. so in the evening both of you are home. that way one of you can go to school in the evenings while the other stays home with the baby.
im going to say this from personal experience, if you absolutely know that your boyfriend is going to be there for you no matter what and you trust him with you life and i mean fully, no kidding yourself, then go through with it. Having a child may seem like it is alot of fun and games, but it is one of the hardest things to go through alone, and when you are barely starting out life there is so much that you can do and go... when you have a child that is going to be put to second, third, fourth decision. The government can help you out in many ways but they are not there for ever and they do not have endless resources to pay irresponsible mothers or even responsible ones. Your in college, and i know that you may think that abortion or adoption is bad option but in the end think of your child and what kind of life you can provide for it. If you cant take care of yourself then it is going to be twice as hard to take care of someone else as well.

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