Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Advice for a teen who lives with over proctective granparents?

Im 16 only to turn 17 in a few months... I havent been on a first date yet...

I have had 2 ppl spend the night since august!

I havent been to anyones house in over a year!

Im not alloud to do anything.... with friends not even church!

I cant have a bf.. just come over and watch movies in the living room!

I cant do anything! they are so overprotective... living with grandparents sucks... I wish they werent this way but they are and its driving me crazy! It only pushing me away! I cant wait to graduate! its so bad they wont pay for college unless I stay close enough to live at home! Its bull crap! and its got me going insane please helP! any advice at all?Advice for a teen who lives with over proctective granparents?
It sounds like they have you on a VERY short leash and its not right. What they don't realize is that kids subjected to such harsh limitations will often revolt and go completely overboard with drinking, drugs and sex once they get some freedom. One thing is that grandparents lived in a different generation, therefore they didn't have the freedoms as a teen that most teens today have.

Have to talked to them about it? If you can show them that you don't abuse the freedom when you go out with friends, or boys, then maybe they will give you more freedoms. It sounds like you are living in a prison. You don't have a lot of options unless you want to explore living with another family. Otherwise, once you're 18, yo ucan be unchained.Advice for a teen who lives with over proctective granparents?
It sounds as if they love you very much! If you want to go away to college, get a scholarship %26amp; a job! What is the reason you are living with your grandparents? Is it because their son or daughter got into so much trouble they can't take care of you? Sit down - calmly - with them %26amp; have a heart to heart talk. Let them talk, too %26amp; try to see it from their side. Maybe you can prove to them that you are responsible. Are you? Good luck!
could there be a hint of loneliness in them? i had to live with my granparents many times at that age because my mum was too mentally unwell... i hated it too for the same reasons.... well it doesnt matter to me now. years later, but at the time it did. i just coped with it because i had no choice..... but knowing myself i would have moved out. if it really is htat bad (is it, really?) you are allowed by law, to move out and do what you want. rather, i would suggest you talk to them. failing that, see if there is a responsible friend whos parents may let you stay even for a little bit... give you a bit of space at least...

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