Friday, April 30, 2010

Advice for starting a [school] ]teen mag?Any comment appreciated?

I started a teen mag(for males and females about all sorts of teen issues) at my school-we started off well, but then when the asignments came, the writers dodged. Anyway, i don't want it to die out coz its a good idea and besides it'll give me Creativity hours for IB. The writers were all friends and I'm a teen. There were 2 main problems:

*no good time for all 6 writers to meet

*not handing in articlesAdvice for starting a [school] ]teen mag?Any comment appreciated?
well for something like that you need commitment.

dont get started if youre not ognna stay commited.

you need to tell these people they need to set aside time to write if they are going to do so. and they need to meet with you and tell you the articles.

id do it via email or you could even meet with each person individually.

to me that sounds like a club and everyone needs to take it seriously. it sounds like the people who are not handing in articles dont get how important that is.

because its sorta like homework.

if you dont turn it in youre gonan get a bad grade.

maybe you can try to find some people who have more time to write for you?

or maybe if you give out the assignments you can try to listen to what everyone else wants to write about.

you really need to make out a calender and pass it around to each person and have them write their schedule down each week and find a time that no one is doing anything or just ask nicely if they could set aside a time maybe 4-5 each Wed. to talk about it.

if you dont tackle the problem now im afraid to say your magazine may not work out :-s

ask them why they were writing. if its just because they want to write it sounds like a mood type thing and if they arent in the mood they arent goign to do it.

make sure they know they have readers who are depending on them and if they dont write then not only are they letting the readers down, theyre letting you and everyone else down..including themself.

now sometimes things do come up.

but really id try emailing or maybe IM conferences instead of meeting. maybe try to talk in IM its still a good way to listen to everyone and very convient rather than finding some time to meet with everyone.

hope everything turns out well for ya!!%26lt;3Advice for starting a [school] ]teen mag?Any comment appreciated?
Just get the writers to write then email it you and the rest of the group its sorta like your doing it all from email.
Perhaps you don't necessarily need for the writers to meet upfront. Can you guys just do it in a chat room? If there are no good times to meet face to face, its the best you can do --- maybe e-mail each other your work.

If people are being to lazy to hand in articles however -- its my opinion you should be getting more devoted writers. Creative writers are abundant, and if you want this magazine to succeed for a long time you need to find a few of them, keeping up a magazine is hard work.

Good luck. =)

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