Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Pregnancy Advice...for a teen?

Ok so need some advice...

So me and my bf have been dating for a while, and before we started dating we talked for quite a long time. I think we have a good thing going.

Well about a week ago we were talking and he mentioned how much he would love to have a kid right now. (btw, im 17 and he is 19.) it kinda freaked me out cuz usually the girl would say that and the guy leaves asap.

but i started thinking...what if we did? like it wouldnt be a mistake and we would plan it out right...ino im young but that doesnt matter to me. my bf has a good job and he makes alot for his age...i need some advice.

i dont want advice that im to young...i need advice to like what i should do while planning...someone to help me with some advice to get through successfully...

thank youPregnancy Advice...for a teen?
While planning, I would say graduate from school, talk about marriage and commitment with your boyfriend, get into a place of your own with him (not with parents), research all the costs of a baby - including your medical costs, daycare, healthcare and other big expenses - and realistically, harshly, look at your own income.

He may make a lot for his age, but that doesn't mean it will necessarily be enough to support a girlfriend/wife and baby.

And also seriously think about life plans. Do you want a college degree now, eventually? Does he?

Life doesn't have to be absolutely perfect and at a certain age to have kids, but people should actually try to be ready - financially, emotionally, and in a relationship - for it.Pregnancy Advice...for a teen?
i'm not sure what kind of advice your looking for. i agree with you, your a little young yet. why not wait a year or so. make sure you have a stable place to live thats not with your parents. maybe you should get a job and learn to support yourself for a bit also, its a great learning experience.
I'm not 100% sure what you are asking.. but if you really want to have a baby, plan it very carefully, over time. Also, are there certain months you wouldn't like to have a baby (December because it's cold, ____ beacuse your bithday is that month.) Being pregant isn't too hard, just read about it and avoid things you shouldn't have (lots of coffee, medicines, ect) and get what you should have, (fruits, veggies, ect.) Build up on folic acid for a few onths now, that is VERY important in the development of a baby, I'd start taking prenantal vitamins now, to get your body ready. Also, I'm not trying to tell you you are too young or what not, but if you have not yet graduated, I think you should wait until then, it's not an age thing, just that stress is bad for a baby and I know how stressful school can be. If you get more specific, I'd be happy to help more.
hello.... well im a teen mom also i got pregnant when i was 17 and delivered my baby at 18.what can i say about teenage pregnancy is that is beautiful i mean you feel something so special and great..but enough with that talk. having a baby can also be really how can i say this so it wont sound mean but it sometimes gets annoying? sorry.. but my advice no one is ready to be a mom theres no instructions for it.. but if some way you think that hes ready for a baby and so are you then i say go for it.it doesnt mean if your stable or not..god only knows when your ready to have a baby so get ready it might be sooner than you expected!! sorry for the long story...
okay if you really want to have a family with this guy then he has to commit with you and the child. also find a place for you and him so the child as a place to live without your parent's or his nagging on you. threed make sure you have a good dr to help you and also pay for the bills for the dr and the hospital. it will be alot of money believe i had to deal with it when i was 19. also make sure you are eating healthy diet and both of you are not smoking or drinking that well hurt both of you and your little baby. just make sure you both are ready and think you both can handle a child and you trying to finish school. well good luck sweetie.. need anything else ask

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