Friday, April 30, 2010

Swimming for a teen( Need advice)?

Ok so I'm 14 and I feel like I'm going to take my swimming sessions again. I'm fairly slim but I feel like I want to tone up again

I want to also start running. On saturdays I take Judo lessons but I think I'm going to switch to Yoga.

What I'm trying to ask is for how long and how many hours should I go swimming a week?

I want to see a definite improvement by the time school ends (June 20th).

So? Thanks guys!

And Any specific diet I could maybe follow? I dont eat too much but should I eat more? And if you guys know any healthy diets I can have maybe that could be cool. :)Swimming for a teen( Need advice)?
Well James you are only 14 and should not worry about a diet. Just make sure that you eat healthy food and not a lot of crap. Like one sweat a day can be fine. Make sure that you eat enough so that you are full. Swimming burns a lot of calories and you need food to keep up your energy.

For the swimming part. You should start out swimming about 45 minutes 3 days a week for two weeks. Then you should switch to an hour for 3 days a week for one week. Then you should switch to an hour of swimming 5 days a week. If you are fateful to this schedule for every month you should be able to get into pretty good shape.

Swimming for a teen( Need advice)?
say 4-6 hours of swimming a week (thats how much i swim) but if your new to the sport (im on my 6th year compeating) try 3-4 and try hard!!! your only 14 so you dont need a diet. just dont eat a lot of crap!!

Competing for miss teen nj?? advice plz!?

ok well i sent in the application and they called back for a phone interview, if i make it , can have some advice as to how to go about competing for this and how to pick out correct attire and things like that. if u have ever competed before i would appreciate the help!!Competing for miss teen nj?? advice plz!?
Please be prepared in case they ask you any question that has to do with Americans not being able to find the U.S. on a map.Competing for miss teen nj?? advice plz!?
lmao independent. nice answer
Maybe you should see about getting a pageant coach?
suck off the judges

Any advice for a career-clueless teen?

I'm in high school, and up until now I'd decided on becoming a psychiatrist. But now I'm having second thoughts. I've realized that maths and sciences, while I do well in both, aren't what I want my future to be. I like humanities, in particular psychology and literature. The thing is, I don't know what is ultimately better for me. I know I'm supposed to do what I love, but I'm concerned of my future, finance-wise. If I go into what I love, I'm not guaranteed a high income whatsoever, whereas if I do what I push myself to do (maths/sciences) I'd earn almost double, and I'd feel more accomplished. I'm just really confused. If only there was a career in psychology that you could really earn a large salary from...I'm not money-hungry, just looking to the future. Any advice? I know I have time till I have to decide, but I'd just like to have an idea of where I'm headed. Thank you.Any advice for a career-clueless teen?
A long time ago when I was in high school, my Vice Principal gave me some of the best advice I ever received: ';Sometimes the right choice for later is a very difficult choice to make now.'; She explained that I might someday be in a job where I was making a lot of money, but that I would have to decide to leave that job to push my career to the next level, and that I would probably lose money in the short-term, but that it would open doors for me and be the right choice in the long run. She couldn't have been more accurate.

From my personal experience and from Ms. Sisko's advice so long ago, I developed my own little saying that has guided me through many difficult career decisions: ';Allow the life-plan to change often.';

Right now your goal should be to get into a college and pursue a major that you find interesting and that will lead you to a specific field of work. I chose hospitality management because I liked working with people, enjoyed travel, and because I knew quite a few specific careers could come from a degree in hospitality. I landed on hospitality after reading a career-planning book. It evaluated your skills, your likes and dislikes, your work style, your performance in school, and your ultimate long-term goals and then gave you some ideas about careers that were related to all of this information. Nowadays, you can probably find similar surveys on the web. Start with the big sites like or and see what they can tell you.

It's possible to make a lot of money and be unhappy or to make very little money and be the happiest person alive. DO NOT let money guide your career choices. Consider your happiness, fulfillment, personal values, and the long-term opportunities that each job offers. Where did you get your information that resulted in your statement about maths/sciences earning you double? That's a dangerous generalization that may or may not hold true in the long-run. Yes, there are high-paying jobs in math and science. No, they are not easy to get and there aren't nearly as many of them as there are middle and low-paying jobs in maths and sciences.

As for psychiatry, here's a few thoughts. I bet your school has a psychiatrist or psychologist. Go and talk to that person. Find out why they love what they do, what advice they have for someone in the field, and how they got there. I'm sure you'll be surprised to find out what they make each year. If I had to guess, I'd say that every school in America probably has someone working there with a degree in one of those areas. Find out who they are. Then go to the public records in your town and find out what they make. You'll be pleasantly surprised.

There are a lot of jobs in the humanities that don't pay a lot, but that come with a lot of rewards. Suppose I told you now that you would go to college for 4 years, spend quite a bit of money doing so, and immediately after college end up with your dream job. You'd be fulfilled every day that you came home, you'd give back to society, you'd improve the lives of others, you'd make a real difference in your community, you'd meet the love of your life while working there, your work would take you on travels across the country, and you'd die a happy person.

Now suppose that all of the above things happened when after college you ended up working at a homeless shelter providing counseling to bums, winos, and paupers. Suppose I told you that you'd have to rent a one bedroom apartment for the rest of your life, and that you'd work in a run-down building with only 2 other people, that you'd have to take public transportation to a conference across the country because that's all your organization could afford, and that you would never be rich doing it. ...wouldn't you still want all of the things I mentioned in the first paragraph? Would you give up all of those wonderful benefits because you knew in advance that you wouldn't be rich? Were you any better-off in a one-bedroom apartment with the love of your life than you would have been in a mansion, living alone in solitude? I think so.

Allow the life-plan to change often and go with your heart, but with a realistic career in mind. Talk to your guidance counselors, your community leaders, the local Rotary Club, your spiritual leaders, your parents, your friend's parents, and see what you can learn now. You'll be fine in the long-run since you're already planning ahead.Any advice for a career-clueless teen?
dermatologist is a good one

im gonna be a doctor:)
Here's a cliche line, ';Money can't buy you happiness.';

I've done jobs that are more artistic and make me happy, but are not stable and do not pay out big. I've done jobs that are boring, mindless, soul numbing, but high pay and stable.

I was very good at both types and I worked very hard in both. But at the end of the day, the job that made me happy left me feeling good whereas the other job just made me dread getting up the next day and doing it all over again. I started to hate life in general, which tends to make for a very unhappy, cranky, pessimistic person. It makes you loose part of the joy of being alive and the joy of being alive can get your through hard times.

I can tell you from experience that it is not worth the money to do a job you hate. Yes, money can make you feel safer. However, you need to balance that sense of security with being happy with yourself.

I can't tell you which career path to take, but I can recommend summer internships. They can let you sample both paths and maybe help you make your decision. Also, keep in mind that no matter how old you are, nothing is set in stone. You can always reinvent yourself if you are on the wrong path. Sure it gets harder the older you get, but as long as you are still alive you can always change your life. Don't fear making the wrong decision about your future so much that you fail to enjoy your present.

Advice and/or options for teen mother?

My fiance's 17 year old sister is looking for advice. She has a two month old baby. Her parents are recently divorced, but are united against the baby's father (another 17 year old). Her mother has repeatedly said that she's responsible for both the teen and her baby as long as she's a minor, therefore the teen has to obey her rules and do what she says when it comes to the baby (for example, she forbids allowing the baby to stay overnight with the father at his parents home). She forbids the father from coming to her home to see her daughter and/or the baby. Additionally, she has made threats that if her daughter does not obey then she can pack her stuff and leave. However, when her daughter accepted and was offered a place to stay with her child's father at his parents home (yes, the offer was by his parents, not just him)...her mother called the police when she left. She can not be emancipated because she lives in Ohio...any advice to offer? She has eight months until 18!Advice and/or options for teen mother?
Maybe she should look into mediation through the court system. I understand if Ohio law doesn't allow her to be emancipated which means that she may not have any say about where she lives for the next 8 months or who is allowed in that home. But the courts should be able to register a visitation agreement that would allow the child's father to have access to his baby. If they're both on good terms this shouldn't take a court case to decide the details but once the court has registered it, it will be a legal order that her mother has to follow. Which would mean that the father could get to know the child and would have to keep some contact with your fiance's sister to do that.Advice and/or options for teen mother?
she should just say her mother is crazy and threatens to hurt her or her baby, and that she doesnt feel safe living with her.I dont know the laws there because i live in canada. her mother is f'ing retarded for doing that because as soon as that girl turns 18 she is going to be out that door so fast. She should have no say as to when the babies father can see his own child.

what a retarded state.
It is in the young ladies best interest to contact professionals in your state that deals directly with teen pregnancy and family relations. No one here can give you specifics with out knowning the legal restraints of OH. Dial 211 give them your zipcode and ask for teen pregnancy counseling services and try starting there. Hopefully this doesn't blow up to legal issues and having a court get involved. No parent can be denied access to their child in the eyes of the court if no proven harm.Good luck.
Yeah, keep her legs closed.

She is a big burden now and has ruined her life.

If I were Mom I would have let her go.

Tell her to consider adoption - its not too late.
Wait it out.

Be a good parent until responsible and loving with the baby. That way no one can call her unfit.

I'm going to assume that the father ,although young, is a good guy. Keep in touch with the father and his family. If he is a good guy then he deserves to be a part of his baby's life. Especially those first precious years. She can meet with the father and baby outside of the home. 8 months is not's worth the wait. Just trust her instincts when it comes to raising her baby, (like food,clothes,potty,lessons,etc) and do right by the litttle one. Parental freedom will come in time. 8 months is not long. The parents only have the best intentions for her and the baby. B parents/ in-laws and grandparents can get ugly sometimes. Avoid fighting with them. Find ways to work around it till the 8 monrths is up. No use living with arguments if you HAVE to live there. Just be civil till she can leave at 18...who knows, maybe things will get better before then.
If she can hang in there as best as possible, then I would do this, and for my 18th birthday as a present to myself, I would leave.

I can understand that her mother wants the best for both of them, but seems to be taking things a bit too far.

How about your fiance speak to his mother about his sister and his concerns.
Sounds like her mother is being hard headed..... I am assuming she is trying to look out for the baby, mostly though.

I feel the daughter needs to sit down maturely with her mother and make an arrangement so that the father can see his child, at her house. With respect no matter how much the mother does not like him, she does need to respect the fact that she can not change whom the father of the baby is........

This way the mother will not be overwhelmingly worried about her daughter taking the infant to a house she is not comfy with and at the same time.... for 8 months the father would be able to spend time with his growing daughter.

Sounds like the safest way....

Hope this helps out a little bit. I live in Ohio too.... laws are awfully icky at times but they are there for reasons,,, mostly to protect, if and when it is possible.

I learned the hard way also.
  • natural make up
  • Advice for starting a [school] ]teen mag?Any comment appreciated?

    I started a teen mag(for males and females about all sorts of teen issues) at my school-we started off well, but then when the asignments came, the writers dodged. Anyway, i don't want it to die out coz its a good idea and besides it'll give me Creativity hours for IB. The writers were all friends and I'm a teen. There were 2 main problems:

    *no good time for all 6 writers to meet

    *not handing in articlesAdvice for starting a [school] ]teen mag?Any comment appreciated?
    well for something like that you need commitment.

    dont get started if youre not ognna stay commited.

    you need to tell these people they need to set aside time to write if they are going to do so. and they need to meet with you and tell you the articles.

    id do it via email or you could even meet with each person individually.

    to me that sounds like a club and everyone needs to take it seriously. it sounds like the people who are not handing in articles dont get how important that is.

    because its sorta like homework.

    if you dont turn it in youre gonan get a bad grade.

    maybe you can try to find some people who have more time to write for you?

    or maybe if you give out the assignments you can try to listen to what everyone else wants to write about.

    you really need to make out a calender and pass it around to each person and have them write their schedule down each week and find a time that no one is doing anything or just ask nicely if they could set aside a time maybe 4-5 each Wed. to talk about it.

    if you dont tackle the problem now im afraid to say your magazine may not work out :-s

    ask them why they were writing. if its just because they want to write it sounds like a mood type thing and if they arent in the mood they arent goign to do it.

    make sure they know they have readers who are depending on them and if they dont write then not only are they letting the readers down, theyre letting you and everyone else down..including themself.

    now sometimes things do come up.

    but really id try emailing or maybe IM conferences instead of meeting. maybe try to talk in IM its still a good way to listen to everyone and very convient rather than finding some time to meet with everyone.

    hope everything turns out well for ya!!%26lt;3Advice for starting a [school] ]teen mag?Any comment appreciated?
    Just get the writers to write then email it you and the rest of the group its sorta like your doing it all from email.
    Perhaps you don't necessarily need for the writers to meet upfront. Can you guys just do it in a chat room? If there are no good times to meet face to face, its the best you can do --- maybe e-mail each other your work.

    If people are being to lazy to hand in articles however -- its my opinion you should be getting more devoted writers. Creative writers are abundant, and if you want this magazine to succeed for a long time you need to find a few of them, keeping up a magazine is hard work.

    Good luck. =)

    Advice for me, an immatured teen please?

    we re having a gathering tomorrow, at my house. we have said earlier to prepare for the steamboat together. but now, everyone will be late . even one of them pull out at the last minute.

    I'm indeed angry. it's is meant to be done together. i'm not the one suggested but since my house is the most suitable spot so i allow it to be held here upon request from friend.

    i'm still angry. but at the same time, blaming myself to be such immatured. it's actually just a small petty issue yet i'm incensed by this. and i'm always like this, i mean pissed off by small things.

    if u were me, how would you tell yourself to be calm, to stop blamming your friends, to think positively and maturely ?

    i know i'm wrong and this is something to be learnt and overcome in life. i hope i can be like my mum, more considerating and thoughtful towards other. but till now, i cant find a reason to forgive such unimportant things!Advice for me, an immatured teen please?
    It sounds to me like your expectations of your peers are not realistic. I am guessing that the steamboat has something to do with school.

    Thinking positively and thinking maturely are two different things. If you expect people to be late and even cancel at the last minute, then deal with that. Don't make the mistake of letting everyone lean on you (that's not maturity, it's submission). I believe this kind of thing happens because of assignments from school - assignments which you students wouldn't choose to do if you weren't in school and provides excellent information on how to do it.

    Whether I'm on the right track or not, I recommend that you check out Grace Llewellyn's ';The Teenage Liberation Handbook'; in which she makes a good argument for liberating yourselves from school.Advice for me, an immatured teen please?
    your friends blew you off. Anyone would be angry at first. But they are the losers. Never say a word, just never invite them to anything again or more importantly never accept invitations from them. To anything. Drop them.

    Silence, hard as it will be will be the best way.

    ';I don't know, ask them.'; when someone asks what the problem is.

    The less you refer to the blow off the more obvious it will be that these guys are not friends.

    ';We had a delightful time, thank you.'; and leave i at that.

    Advice for soon to be teen mother?

    So here is my sad story. I have just found out that I am over two months pregnant and I am only seventeen. My parents practically disowned me when I told them about it so their is no hope from them, and my boyfriend is just starting college this fall and says he isn't going to through his life away on his high school girlfriend and a baby that might not even be his. (Which is ridiculous because he is the only person I have ever been with, he just doesn't want to take responsibility for his actions).

    I am not going to have an abortion, it is not and will never be an option. And I have medical problems that make it practically impossible to get pregnant (which is how I got pregnant because we didn't use any protection because my OB/GYN said I would never be able to conceive). So I refuse to give my child up for adoption because he or she maybe the only child I ever have, the baby may have come at a bad time but he/she is a miracle!

    I have just started college and don't want to drop out. Of course I will have to take spring semester off when I have my baby but then I want to go right back. I have a minimum wage part time job but I know that wont be enough to take care of my baby. I need help but don't have anyone. I would love to hear some advice from other mothers, exspecaly teen mothers or former teen mothers. I need both emotional encouragement and financial advice.

    Thanks in advance!Advice for soon to be teen mother?
    Don't even listen to that stupid ***** Barbq. She isn't the brightest bulb in the box. I think you can do this, because you are willing to and I can tell you already love your baby. The best thing for a baby is his mother. You may however have to hold of school for another year after the baby comes just to get yourself settled. Talk to your college counselor she can help you. She will probably get you a social worker, don't worry their are a lot of government programs out their for you. And a lot of colleges offer family housing. You can get student loans to pay for your education and family housing, and a meal plan. The government will help with the babies needs. I think it is your best bet to stay in school. And you go girl! It is teens like yourself how make me proud are country has government assistance programs.Advice for soon to be teen mother?
    Wow I can relate. Except I'm younger. I'm 15 and 12 weeks. The boyfriend dumped me a week after we did what HE wantedto do. He used me really bad. He knew the possiblity of me getting pregnant and how it would change his life and he just couldn't havethat. So I was on my own. Almost 3 months later I

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    DI guess you better find a way to stay in school. You have NO idea how POOR you are going be on Public Assistance. NO money at all for anything other than rent and diapers.

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    He isn't going to be involved? Take him to court. Get a paternity test and if the baby is his he will HAVE to pay child support. What a jerk.

    Help your parents understand your situation.

    You can do it. It will be hard but it's worth it for you %26amp; your baby.

    I know that wasn't a lot but... w/e
    Well just pray for answers and talk to people who have already experianced it. Good luck honey.
    That's a tough situation.

    I'm a teen mom! I had all of the support of my family, boyfriend and his family so my situation is alot easier.

    First of all, your life IS NOT SCREWED UP, its just an extra addition to your life!! An overwhelming exciting experience in your life. You should talk to your bf's family and tell them. Do you have any other relatives that might help you??

    and You won't drop out of college, girls who drop out are just lazyy.

    DON'T EVER GIVE UP FOR YOUR CHILD, CUZ ONCE YOU SEE HIM/HER, ALL YOU WANT IS THE BEST FOR HIM/HER. He/she will keep you motivated to do what is best.

    Right now my son is sleeping next to me, i'm just watching him. Its tough, but you can get through.

    Goodluck %26lt;333
    While your sad story seemingly has you backed into a corner and, I could chastise for having unprotected sex, I won't.

    Now, For the reasons why:

    1. The OB-Gyn saying that due to your medical condition(I presume it is PCOS-Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome), you couldn't have children. My family thought that I would genetically pass something on, because of my own, severe medical history. But, It was my (ex)wife that passed the problems on. My (ex)wife n' her parents lied about there being a problem with my (ex)wife.

    2. I thank God, you refuse to get an abortion.

    3. I thank you for reaching out, in detail and, not with 'What do I do'.

    4. I thank you for going to college. I know you will have to take a semester off, to have the baby. But, With your positive mental attitude about your situation, I see you graduating Magna *** Laude or, Summa *** Laude.

    5. I included the link to the specific page, at Bethany Christian Services, for parenting. They should be able to give you some financial ideas.
    That's so sad that your parents and boyfriend acted like that! Do you think maybe your parents are just a little shocked right now but will get over it and decide to help you out? I think it's great that you have such a good attitude about the baby and that you see it as a miracle even though it's not coming at the best time. The whole miracle thing is actually really touching and almost made me cry (I'm PMSing lol) =). You're doing the right thing and being very mature about everything and I applaud you for it. You should be able to get WIC to help buy formula and stuff for your baby. Do you think it's possible that you could find a job that paid more than minimum wage? If you have good qualifications (experience with kids, CPR and First Aid certification, etc.) you can make pretty good money as a nanny/babysitter. If you found the right family they might also let you bring your baby with you so you could work without having to pay for childcare. It also helps if you're majoring in education or nursing or something like that because parents like to hire babysitters in those fields. I'm a nursing student and depending on the family, I make around $12 - $15 an hour babysitting/nannying. In my state minimum wage is $8 so it's obviously better than McDonald's lol. If you're interested in doing something like that you can just send me a message if you want and I'll give you more details on how to find the best babysitting jobs =). I really love helping people so let me know if there's anything I can do! (Besides giving you a million dollars lol) That's why I'm becoming a nurse so I can help people =) I feel like I'm rambling so I'm going to stop now, but I wish you the best of luck and I hope everything works out for you! Keep your positive attitude!
    First of all, let me say I am very disappointed in you, you were so close to not being a pregnant teen...that is all I will say in regards to my disapproval of teen pregnancy, since it does seem you need a lot of help.

    First of all, there's this thing you can do, do you have a car? If so, there are companies out there that will pay you to put their ads on your car, they usually pay 400-600 $ a month, it's not very much, but it helps, you can look in on that.

    Second of all, once the baby is born, have a blood test, and make your ex pay some child support! It takes 2 to tango, and he carries as much responsibility as you.

    Another thing, I don't know what university you're going to, but try going to a community college the first two years, they are so much more cheap than four year universities, and most of them have daycare. General Ed is the same everywhere, as as long as you transfer to a 4 yr and get your BA or BS there, it won't matter much. You can save up a little in the meantime for when you transfer to a 4 yr.

    This much I will tell you, it will be a bi^ch getting through college, but it's doable.
    YOU CAN DO IT! Not saying it wont be hard, but keeping a positive attitude and doing what ever it takes to care for you and your baby, you will be fine. Take it day by day. Enjoy every minute of it. As for your parents, they should be ashamed of there selves for not sticking by your side. That is their grand-baby and you are their daughter. As for the boyfriend, let him figure it out. He will be the one who misses out. Hopefully every one involved will come around. If not, you will be just fine. I did it, so can you. I had no money, no job and not even in school. I got a job, put myself thru college and found a good man who loves my son as much as i do!
    I'm not a teen mother or a mother, but I'd like to try and help.

    Even though it might not be the best time to have a baby, if you have problems conceiving then maybe it is for the best that you keep this baby as it could be your only one. My mum said to the same thing to me if I had a child now because it could be the only child I ever have and she wouldn't want her grandchild adopted.

    With the job issue, you should have more options because you're over 16. Just look around for things and ask small, family owned businesses as they are more likely to employ you as I found.

    Couldn't you go to some sort of teen mothers group or a parenting support group? I'm sure they'll be able to help you as well as give you some more advice. Good luck x
    you remind me of me. My mom disowned me also. The only person I had was my aunt thanks goodness. Daddy is round to help with our boys tho. Keep your baby and just try your best. There is hope and love out there for you and your baby. Look in the phone book at see if there is any help out there for young moms. I know a lot here in oregon. I wish you the best of luck, and I hope your mom will come round. Mine still hasn't but I wish you the best. She kicked me out at age 15. If you have any ? you can ask me.
    Hey ! Im not a teen mother but I am also seventeen. I'm like SO proud of you for not choosing abortion, I hate when teenagers use abortion as birth control, thats not what its there for. I totally support your decision to keep the baby and I wish you luck, as for financial support, Im not quite sure where you live so Im not sure about the options. Here we have a type of... I dont even know how to explain it, most people call it a baby bonus, its a check you get from the government every month to help support yourself and your baby. As for the father, even if he doesnt have a job, he still may have to pay you child support so long as you can prove the baby is his.

    I wish you and your baby luck! If you need more encouragement feel free to get in touch with me!


    Puro Amor,

    Lacey (:
    im so sorry about your parents and your boyfriend (he sounds like an ***) im also sorry about your unfortunate situation but you are right, your baby is a miricle and getting a abortion would be wrong. there are support groups of girls like you that you can join. the best thing to get at this moment in time is support.

    now, before i tell you this,remember,what ever you want to happen is YOUR dissision and make sure to choose the path that you think is right. i am just giving you an option to think about. it is possible that you can try an open adoption. wich is were you have option to choose the parents you want to adopt your baby and contact them durring the pregnancy and become close with them. then after the ababy is born they will adopt him/her but you still get to be a part of her life (like an aunt or a sister). somtimes this is the best choice for the baby's best intrest because it is harder than you can ever emagine for both the baby and the mother in times like htis ,and babies that grow up in broken homes usually become depressed and so does the mother.

    but this is an extremely hard dicisoin to make and you should leave it up to a random girl on ';yahoo answers'; follow your heart and do what you think is right
    Ouch. Honey, I'm sorry, but you're kinda screwed...figuratively speaking. You need to reconsider abortion or adoption. Your child will not have a good life with you. It's selfish of you to keep it.

    Maybe your parents will come around. Do you know your boyfriends' parents? Maybe they'll help.
    You're asking this in the ADOLESCENTS section? may I remind you that adolescents are supposed to be like in between childhood and adulthood. so some of us are still on the kid side! what tips do you need? remember to change the diapers?

    and may i ask why you still call him your boyfriend...?

    oh yeah, and congrats. find a person who will actually care for the kid as a fatherly figure. there are actually guys that would do that.

    edit:you guys know i'm right. sometimes the truth hurts. i'm not saying she is dumb for having sex, (well, w/o protection) but anyways, i'm just saying, why the adolscents section. i haven't had a kid so i can't exactly provide too much info.

    Advice for soon to be teen mother?

    So here is my sad story. I have just found out that I am over two months pregnant and I am only seventeen. My parents practically disowned me when I told them about it so their is no hope from them, and my boyfriend is just starting college this fall and says he isn't going to through his life away on his high school girlfriend and a baby that might not even be his. (Which is ridiculous because he is the only person I have ever been with, he just doesn't want to take responsibility for his actions).

    I am not going to have an abortion, it is not and will never be an option. And I have medical problems that make it practically impossible to get pregnant (which is how I got pregnant because we didn't use any protection because my OB/GYN said I would never be able to conceive). So I refuse to give my child up for adoption because he or she maybe the only child I ever have, the baby may have come at a bad time but he/she is a miracle!

    I have just started college and don't want to drop out. Of course I will have to take spring semester off when I have my baby but then I want to go right back. I have a minimum wage part time job but I know that wont be enough to take care of my baby. I need help but don't have anyone. I would love to hear some advice from other mothers, exspecaly teen mothers or former teen mothers. I need both emotional encouragement and financial advice.

    Thanks in advance!Advice for soon to be teen mother?
    Don't even listen to that stupid ***** Barbq. She isn't the brightest bulb in the box. I think you can do this, because you are willing to and I can tell you already love your baby. The best thing for a baby is his mother. You may however have to hold of school for another year after the baby comes just to get yourself settled. Talk to your college counselor she can help you. She will probably get you a social worker, don't worry their are a lot of government programs out their for you. And a lot of colleges offer family housing. You can get student loans to pay for your education and family housing, and a meal plan. The government will help with the babies needs. I think it is your best bet to stay in school. And you go girl! It is teens like yourself how make me proud are country has government assistance programs.Advice for soon to be teen mother?
    Wow I can relate. Except I'm younger. I'm 15 and 12 weeks. The boyfriend dumped me a week after we did what HE wantedto do. He used me really bad. He knew the possiblity of me getting pregnant and how it would change his life and he just couldn't havethat. So I was on my own. Almost 3 months later I

    Report Abuse

    DI guess you better find a way to stay in school. You have NO idea how POOR you are going be on Public Assistance. NO money at all for anything other than rent and diapers.

    Report Abuse

    He isn't going to be involved? Take him to court. Get a paternity test and if the baby is his he will HAVE to pay child support. What a jerk.

    Help your parents understand your situation.

    You can do it. It will be hard but it's worth it for you %26amp; your baby.

    I know that wasn't a lot but... w/e
    Well just pray for answers and talk to people who have already experianced it. Good luck honey.
    That's a tough situation.

    I'm a teen mom! I had all of the support of my family, boyfriend and his family so my situation is alot easier.

    First of all, your life IS NOT SCREWED UP, its just an extra addition to your life!! An overwhelming exciting experience in your life. You should talk to your bf's family and tell them. Do you have any other relatives that might help you??

    and You won't drop out of college, girls who drop out are just lazyy.

    DON'T EVER GIVE UP FOR YOUR CHILD, CUZ ONCE YOU SEE HIM/HER, ALL YOU WANT IS THE BEST FOR HIM/HER. He/she will keep you motivated to do what is best.

    Right now my son is sleeping next to me, i'm just watching him. Its tough, but you can get through.

    Goodluck %26lt;333
    While your sad story seemingly has you backed into a corner and, I could chastise for having unprotected sex, I won't.

    Now, For the reasons why:

    1. The OB-Gyn saying that due to your medical condition(I presume it is PCOS-Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome), you couldn't have children. My family thought that I would genetically pass something on, because of my own, severe medical history. But, It was my (ex)wife that passed the problems on. My (ex)wife n' her parents lied about there being a problem with my (ex)wife.

    2. I thank God, you refuse to get an abortion.

    3. I thank you for reaching out, in detail and, not with 'What do I do'.

    4. I thank you for going to college. I know you will have to take a semester off, to have the baby. But, With your positive mental attitude about your situation, I see you graduating Magna *** Laude or, Summa *** Laude.

    5. I included the link to the specific page, at Bethany Christian Services, for parenting. They should be able to give you some financial ideas.
    That's so sad that your parents and boyfriend acted like that! Do you think maybe your parents are just a little shocked right now but will get over it and decide to help you out? I think it's great that you have such a good attitude about the baby and that you see it as a miracle even though it's not coming at the best time. The whole miracle thing is actually really touching and almost made me cry (I'm PMSing lol) =). You're doing the right thing and being very mature about everything and I applaud you for it. You should be able to get WIC to help buy formula and stuff for your baby. Do you think it's possible that you could find a job that paid more than minimum wage? If you have good qualifications (experience with kids, CPR and First Aid certification, etc.) you can make pretty good money as a nanny/babysitter. If you found the right family they might also let you bring your baby with you so you could work without having to pay for childcare. It also helps if you're majoring in education or nursing or something like that because parents like to hire babysitters in those fields. I'm a nursing student and depending on the family, I make around $12 - $15 an hour babysitting/nannying. In my state minimum wage is $8 so it's obviously better than McDonald's lol. If you're interested in doing something like that you can just send me a message if you want and I'll give you more details on how to find the best babysitting jobs =). I really love helping people so let me know if there's anything I can do! (Besides giving you a million dollars lol) That's why I'm becoming a nurse so I can help people =) I feel like I'm rambling so I'm going to stop now, but I wish you the best of luck and I hope everything works out for you! Keep your positive attitude!
    First of all, let me say I am very disappointed in you, you were so close to not being a pregnant teen...that is all I will say in regards to my disapproval of teen pregnancy, since it does seem you need a lot of help.

    First of all, there's this thing you can do, do you have a car? If so, there are companies out there that will pay you to put their ads on your car, they usually pay 400-600 $ a month, it's not very much, but it helps, you can look in on that.

    Second of all, once the baby is born, have a blood test, and make your ex pay some child support! It takes 2 to tango, and he carries as much responsibility as you.

    Another thing, I don't know what university you're going to, but try going to a community college the first two years, they are so much more cheap than four year universities, and most of them have daycare. General Ed is the same everywhere, as as long as you transfer to a 4 yr and get your BA or BS there, it won't matter much. You can save up a little in the meantime for when you transfer to a 4 yr.

    This much I will tell you, it will be a bi^ch getting through college, but it's doable.
    YOU CAN DO IT! Not saying it wont be hard, but keeping a positive attitude and doing what ever it takes to care for you and your baby, you will be fine. Take it day by day. Enjoy every minute of it. As for your parents, they should be ashamed of there selves for not sticking by your side. That is their grand-baby and you are their daughter. As for the boyfriend, let him figure it out. He will be the one who misses out. Hopefully every one involved will come around. If not, you will be just fine. I did it, so can you. I had no money, no job and not even in school. I got a job, put myself thru college and found a good man who loves my son as much as i do!
    I'm not a teen mother or a mother, but I'd like to try and help.

    Even though it might not be the best time to have a baby, if you have problems conceiving then maybe it is for the best that you keep this baby as it could be your only one. My mum said to the same thing to me if I had a child now because it could be the only child I ever have and she wouldn't want her grandchild adopted.

    With the job issue, you should have more options because you're over 16. Just look around for things and ask small, family owned businesses as they are more likely to employ you as I found.

    Couldn't you go to some sort of teen mothers group or a parenting support group? I'm sure they'll be able to help you as well as give you some more advice. Good luck x
    you remind me of me. My mom disowned me also. The only person I had was my aunt thanks goodness. Daddy is round to help with our boys tho. Keep your baby and just try your best. There is hope and love out there for you and your baby. Look in the phone book at see if there is any help out there for young moms. I know a lot here in oregon. I wish you the best of luck, and I hope your mom will come round. Mine still hasn't but I wish you the best. She kicked me out at age 15. If you have any ? you can ask me.
    Hey ! Im not a teen mother but I am also seventeen. I'm like SO proud of you for not choosing abortion, I hate when teenagers use abortion as birth control, thats not what its there for. I totally support your decision to keep the baby and I wish you luck, as for financial support, Im not quite sure where you live so Im not sure about the options. Here we have a type of... I dont even know how to explain it, most people call it a baby bonus, its a check you get from the government every month to help support yourself and your baby. As for the father, even if he doesnt have a job, he still may have to pay you child support so long as you can prove the baby is his.

    I wish you and your baby luck! If you need more encouragement feel free to get in touch with me!


    Puro Amor,

    Lacey (:
    im so sorry about your parents and your boyfriend (he sounds like an ***) im also sorry about your unfortunate situation but you are right, your baby is a miricle and getting a abortion would be wrong. there are support groups of girls like you that you can join. the best thing to get at this moment in time is support.

    now, before i tell you this,remember,what ever you want to happen is YOUR dissision and make sure to choose the path that you think is right. i am just giving you an option to think about. it is possible that you can try an open adoption. wich is were you have option to choose the parents you want to adopt your baby and contact them durring the pregnancy and become close with them. then after the ababy is born they will adopt him/her but you still get to be a part of her life (like an aunt or a sister). somtimes this is the best choice for the baby's best intrest because it is harder than you can ever emagine for both the baby and the mother in times like htis ,and babies that grow up in broken homes usually become depressed and so does the mother.

    but this is an extremely hard dicisoin to make and you should leave it up to a random girl on ';yahoo answers'; follow your heart and do what you think is right
    Ouch. Honey, I'm sorry, but you're kinda screwed...figuratively speaking. You need to reconsider abortion or adoption. Your child will not have a good life with you. It's selfish of you to keep it.

    Maybe your parents will come around. Do you know your boyfriends' parents? Maybe they'll help.
    You're asking this in the ADOLESCENTS section? may I remind you that adolescents are supposed to be like in between childhood and adulthood. so some of us are still on the kid side! what tips do you need? remember to change the diapers?

    and may i ask why you still call him your boyfriend...?

    oh yeah, and congrats. find a person who will actually care for the kid as a fatherly figure. there are actually guys that would do that.

    edit:you guys know i'm right. sometimes the truth hurts. i'm not saying she is dumb for having sex, (well, w/o protection) but anyways, i'm just saying, why the adolscents section. i haven't had a kid so i can't exactly provide too much info.

    Advice for soon to be teen mother?

    So here is my sad story. I have just found out that I am over two months pregnant and I am only seventeen. My parents practically disowned me when I told them about it so their is no hope from them, and my boyfriend is just starting college this fall and says he isn't going to through his life away on his high school girlfriend and a baby that might not even be his. (Which is ridiculous because he is the only person I have ever been with, he just doesn't want to take responsibility for his actions).

    I am not going to have an abortion, it is not and will never be an option. And I have medical problems that make it practically impossible to get pregnant (which is how I got pregnant because we didn't use any protection because my OB/GYN said I would never be able to conceive). So I refuse to give my child up for adoption because he or she maybe the only child I ever have, the baby may have come at a bad time but he/she is a miracle!

    I have just started college and don't want to drop out. Of course I will have to take spring semester off when I have my baby but then I want to go right back. I have a minimum wage part time job but I know that wont be enough to take care of my baby. I need help but don't have anyone. I would love to hear some advice from other mothers, exspecaly teen mothers or former teen mothers. I need both emotional encouragement and financial advice.

    Thanks in advance!Advice for soon to be teen mother?
    Hi I got pregnant at 16 and just had my baby boy almost 10 weeks ago i am now 17.

    I got on this plan where i live and it pays for EVERYTHING it payed for the docter visits it payed for the hospital stay and everything its amazing and i dont have a job so i got on WIC you should look it up im sure they have it everywhere. they can give you food and money to help out and if you need any other kind of help they can help you with it. there are things to help young mothers out everywhere you just have to look. =D best of luck and congrats!!!! babies are amazing! i know its scarey now but once that little baby is in your arms you will feel in heaven. also about the father F**k him if he doesnt want to be in your babies life then you need to move on. i know its hard an its seems harder cause your parents and him left you but you are a strong women for keeping that baby and you will be a great mother with or without them. just have hope and believe in yourself!! time will go bye and your parents once they seen your baby they will want to be in the babies life they just need time to come around its a big shock to hear they baby girl is pregnant ha but in time they will come to love your baby. Best of luck!!! and have fun!!Advice for soon to be teen mother?
    you can get state assistance. food stamps, housing, wic, etc. since you dont have any help its the best chance you have to give your child what they need. youre right, this baby is a miracle and if you choose to keep it then good for you! it wont be easy though. good luck through everything!
    Bree, please please stay in school that is the best thing you can do right now for your baby. Their is help out their you just have to know where to look. Welfare, Wic, Food Stamps, Food Banks. Try some of these links I have provided. They may help. Your pride should not get in the way of taking care of your child so let these organizations help the two of you. And I wish you the best of luck. And also you might consider getting child support. If the child is his he cannot escape responsibility in the courts.鈥?/a>
    Medicaid and wic to start with. Try not to stress. While working where you are see if you can find a better Job. There are hundreds of pregnancy centers in the country. Look up one in your area and find out what they can help you with. Also, theres a (Im 99% sure its national) help line 211 that you can dial and they also have numbers and addresses to places that will help you.

    Don't worry too much about the parents and boyfriend. I can't say I know the latter but im sure the former will come around once they get use to the idea. Remember its every parents nightmare for their child to become a parent before they're ready.

    Just stay patient and go with the flow of things. You'll be alright. Im preggo right now and my husband still hassnt told his parents. We didn't plan this and he's terrified of his mother because she is very scary. I know what its like. But everything will work out.

    Congrats on the baby %26lt;3
    Well considering your situation and the fact you want to go to college, you should really consider an open adoption. That way you won't be giving up what may be your only child because you'll be a part of his/her life and they'll be able to understand why you did what you did. Also you will be able to continue to live your life the way you planned to. GOOD LUCK!
    heii there i am also a teen mom well was i got pregnant at 16 but lucky 4 me i have mt house and my father were married w/ 2 kids ne ways i'm not goiing to lie to u it is very hard beiing a teen mom not physically but mentally i suffered from depression 4 several years now its hard for me to admit it but i do i never went to a doctor to confirm but i do and good very good that u dnt want to abort babys are a gift from god once u have ur baby everything changes seek government help im shure where u live thei have wic where htey give u eggs milk baby milk all that and about your parents im shure they will get over it ur there daughter

    dont quit school no matter how hard it is cuz the faster u finish the better it is so u can get a decent job talk to ur parents i know there mad but accidents happen
    Hey Brianna. I understand what your going through. I got pregnant when I was 18, I'm 23 now. The baby's father pushed me to get an abortion but I didn't feel like that was the right thing to do. My parents were very upset with me and they also told me they didn't want anything to do with me. I ended up having my baby and my parents finally came around. As for the baby's father well she's 4 and he still hasn't seen her. Like everyone else has said, you need to get on Wic as soon as possible. They will help with the baby formula which is very expensive. And also go to your lcal Welfare office to get on medicade, that will pay for the hospital bill and your stay there. Don't worry about your parents they will come around, it takes time. As for school, that is the most important gift you can give your child is a steady home life, so you want to finish and find a good job. Everything will work out for you. God doesn't throw anything at you that you can't handle. Remember that. Congrats and Good luck.

    Dating advice in need for a teen like me?

    theres this girl that i like but she is two years younger than me. we both go to the same high school in florida. she is more a sort of a shy girl toward others but outgoing also. i like her persona. i like her but i don't know if she likes me. i'm afraid to ask because i don't know how she would react to it. she somewhat weird but i can handle it. i would like to know what signs should i look that she does that means that she likes me too.Dating advice in need for a teen like me?
    does she smile and laugh at everything funny you do? does she smile and look at you often, or do you catch her doing it?? does she twirl her hair and stand close to you or hit you playfully????? there ya go.Dating advice in need for a teen like me?
    ok well does she hang out w/ u ?does she smile alot when your around ?does she leave her friends just to be w/ u ?oh and ask her out and another thing just be like hey want to play truth or dare and ask her do u like anyone and who is it
  • natural make up
  • Is this a good idea for a teen novel I'm thinking about writing? More ideas/advice?

    It's written in first person, from two point of views, a boy %26amp; a girl. It starts with the girl's point of view when she meets the boy, then the boy's point of view when he meets the girl. The book can continue like that with different events happening %26amp; both their point of views. Some ideas they don't share with each other, making things confusing.

    For example, she really likes him, but she thinks he's just a player so she ignores him. Then the reader learns that he hates how people think he's a player because he really isn't %26amp; he thinks he loves the girl. The book will show the reader how the boy %26amp; girl feel about themselves %26amp; about eachother, without the other person nessecarily knowing.

    It might end sadly, with both of them telling eachother that they should break up. But in the book each point of view says they still love the other %26amp; don't want to break up. The reader knows this, but since the boy %26amp; girl don't tell eachother, neither of them know how the other feels

    Ideas?Is this a good idea for a teen novel I'm thinking about writing? More ideas/advice?
    Sounds relatively interesting. I like the way it sound and suggest that you make your lesson obvious. That is that you should always express your feelings if you love someone bacause you may lose them. Let me know what you decide to do with it.Is this a good idea for a teen novel I'm thinking about writing? More ideas/advice?
    Yea, it's a lot like ';Flipped';
    it seems to be a great idea!
    It sounds exactly the same as a book called Flipped. Read it and you'll see.

    I need advice or knowledge for a teen court date...?

    i am going to teen court tomorrow because i was out past curfew and lied about my name...

    has either happened to you and do you have to do community service or pay a fine?I need advice or knowledge for a teen court date...?
    This has not happened to me, but the best thing to do is to admit you lied and ask for the court to be merciful. Also emphasize if you have not had any prior violations. Your sentence depends on what state and city you live in. Generally I think identity theft is very serious, and lying about your name can be considered identity theft in some places.

    Am I on my way to a six pack? Can you give advice specialized for a teen track runner?

    These are the exercises I, a 15 year old male with quite a bit of baby fat, do six days a week, sometimes twice a day:

    100 sit ups

    50 sit ups with legs resting towards right

    50 sit ups with legs resting towards left

    50 leg ups

    50 sit ups with alternating motions of hands moving within legs and then spread out besides legs (in and and out movements)

    50 arm crossing movements with legs up, touching from leg to leg

    50 hand-to-feet movements up and down,

    50 bicycles,

    50 sit ups with knees down and body spread out,

    one plank for three minutes,

    and then finally I might do supermans from 30sec to a minute.

    These ab exercises were reccomended by one of my track coaches, and I do them after practice with the team. I need advice on getting a good core, because a strong core will enable me to run faster. Please help.

    Another one of my concerns: one, my diet. It's the holidays, and everyone knows it's hard to resist mom's homeade cookies. I just pigged out on 4 chocolate-chip cookies and one or two chocolate covered cherries. Is this going to hurt me badly? What are the foods that I should be eating? I try to eat fruits such as bananas.

    What are the health benefits of lettuce? I heard that it is 75% water. Is it really that beneficiary to running faster? I always avoid it when making a chicken sandwhich.

    Will carrots help on my quest to run faster? In school, the steamed carrots always look DISGUSTING, so I try to force myself to eat them, but I just can't do it. Is this bad? I try to eat cold cut carrots because they are a lot more tastier. Is there really a difference in the nutritional value of steamed carrots and baby carrots?

    How can I stop myself from overeating? I know about water....

    And finally, since it's vacation, what do I do immediately following ab workouts? Today, right after I did them, I sat on the couch. I felt like it was the wrong thing to do. Is there something you should do right after doing ab exercises?

    Ya know how if you pull on your ear lobe for ten years, it will get reaaaaly stretchy? Well, if you kinda push out your stomach making yourself look like a pregnant woman, (ya, I know, it's kind of demented, but sometimes entertainers might do it to make others laugh) will your skin get stretched out within a couple of years, along with internal muscle damage possibly? Just curious.

    Well, thank you for your time, I appreciate anyone who can answer my question COMPLETELY without making me sound stupid, like I have bigorexia or something.Am I on my way to a six pack? Can you give advice specialized for a teen track runner?
    Well i will try to answer this the best i can since no one has posted anything for 10 hours. lol. And No eating Cookies or Chocolate Covered Cherries will not hurt you, Why?? because it is just one time you ate them. Meaning 1 day, now if you ate them day after day, then you would start seeing the wrong results. But it is not wrong to eat cookies or anything.

    The Foods you should be Eating are foods with Protein if your a Sprinter or Distance Runner.Eat Lots of Foods with Carbohydrates if your a Sprinter and if your a distance runner, Eat some carbohydrates but not very much. You should be eating Banana's, Strawberries, Cherries, Blueberries, Apples, Carrots, Pretty much anything healthy because all of them have effects on your performance..But not like TONS of them..Banana's are for Iron, which can give you a lot of energy, and Cherries %26amp; Strawberries can reduce Muscle Soreness and Speed up your recovery, allowing you to train again faster after a hard workout the day before..Carrots, idk what they do for you though.

    Lettuce idk why you would eat lettuce when you can just drink water, lol. I dont think there is really any benefit there, but i eat it with salads. I dont think there is a difference between steamed and cold carrots because, its the same carrot, just heated up..and some people like them better hot. Really its just a matter of which you like better.

    To stop overeating, Eat 5-6 meals a day, Like this:

    Breakfast, Snack, Lunch, Snack, Dinner, ( Maybe a Snack If your really hungry)

    Me, i am 16 and I am sprinter, Thats what i do..I run normally twice a day and my 2nd run is at night, after dinner, and sometimes i will have a snack after i run to replace any energy that was lost. and for A Faster Recovery.

    After i do Ab exercises I do the same thing, lay on the coach for a minute, because that is like a reward you know. No it is not a bad thing because you dont want to over train. No i dont think your stomach would stretch your stomach out, because if you dont have much fat, it wont stretch. The only way your stomach would stretch would be if it would be stuck out for 9 years and when you pulled back in your stomach would be stretched like the people who have Big round earrings and when they take them out you can stick your finger through, it is because it has been stuck that way for however long.

    I hope this has helped you, if you have any further Questions Email me at hill.warrior@yahoo.comAm I on my way to a six pack? Can you give advice specialized for a teen track runner?
    You seem like you're going on the right path. Just don't over do it or you'll be regretting it for the rest of your life

    Why is it when a pregnant teen asks for advice the get discriminated against?

    Like if a pregnant teen asks for advice all she ever gets is the response that ';she is a s*** or close your legs'; and never gets the advice she has so rightfully asked for....and why is it people say to get an abortion then if a teen asks how much it is or how old do you have to be they get yelled at about that too.....i just dont understand it.....i am a pregnant teen and barely ever get the advice that i ask for......i always get called a s*** or wh*** and i really am not....i have only had sex with one guy and that guy is my why do people do that?Why is it when a pregnant teen asks for advice the get discriminated against?
    because ppl who have a problem with it suck.Why is it when a pregnant teen asks for advice the get discriminated against?
    It happens because these teens mention their age. When I ask a question, I don't mention that Im a 29 year old first time mother. Why is age relevant? Stop mentioning it and you wont have that problem. People are always going to say that a 14 year pregnant girl is a sl*t.
    They thought they're mature enough, but actually they're not. So better give them advice rather than ignore or discriminate pregnant teens.
    honestly it is because they put there age on everything. if she explained her situation and left her age out of it then nothing would be said about it. I am 19 and I have never put my age on a question and no one has ever said anything about it.
    I think that is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what people should be saying. If a teen is pregnant %26amp; asking for help/advice, why in the world wouldn't you want to give it to her? Don't punish her %26amp; her baby just because she is young! People are so quick to put a pregnant teen down, but what makes them so great? When they ask for help, you act like you are so much ';greater than thou';.. but you're WORSE for not helping! If you don't have something to say that will actually help a pregnant teen, don't even bother opening the question! --- I suppose that I didn't answer anything, just ranted a bit. Heheh. Seriously though, people like that really get to me! For the lady who asked the question - I know quite a bit about pregnancy so if you ever need advice be sure to email me, I'd be glad to talk to you!
    I only do that when they ask about abortion cuz you always have a chance of getting pregnant and they chose to have sex so they should stand up and take responsibility for their actions and not just do the easy way out.
    Everyone is raised differently. Some people are raised with open minds and some are raised to believe whatever their parents or other people around them have told them. It's unfortunate because teens are still growing and learning and basically anything can happen. Especially if they're uneducated in some areas like sex for example. The only thing they can do is learn from their experiences. That's all anyone can do. And people need to learn to be more accepting and positive. Sure, you might be young and pregnant, but as long as you deal with it properly and take responsibility for your actions, there should be no problem. There are lots of young mothers out there who work their butts off in order to support their babies, and there are also lots of older mothers who are way less responsible than some of the young ones but yet they don't get picked on for being a mother, even though they shouldn't be. All you can do is ignore the rude remarks and immaturity and think positive. You're going to have a beautiful baby in only a matter of months and it shouldn't matter what anyone else thinks when you're the one who's going to get to enjoy that bundle of joy. Remember though that you do need to work hard to support that baby, but it will be worth it in the end!
    Honestly it's typically from people who have not been in your situation and do not understand. Although, I am not a teen, just a single mom, because my ex walked out on me when I told him I was pregnant and I get that sometimes. Like, '; Why did you have s e x with someone that you were not committed too'; or my favorite ';Don't spread your legs for just anyone then';. I was in a 2 year relationship with my ex... I had no idea he was going to up and leave us. For the most part though all the mommies are really supportive. I would say your best bet is just to not give out your age, that way people do not assume financial status etc. Good luck and my mom was a teen when she had me and totally survived! I think I turned out GREAT! LOL! :)
    I'm just curious.. why do pregnant teens feel the need to tell us they're teens? Why do they always have to specify that they're teens? DOes it make a difference to the question? IF the question is age related then obviously but if not, why? When I start off a question it's never ';Ok so I'm 27 years old and....';. I'm not rude to pregant teens, well I'm as rude to them as I am to anyone, and depending on the question I suppose you could accuse me of being a b*tch, I just never get why they start with their age.

    And I guess to answer your question: Why are people rude to anyone? It's not exclusively teens, believe me. Generally I think people are rude to anyone with a poorly phrased or worded question. It just so happens that teens are the ones that are more likely to mispell a word or use inappropriate grammar/punctuation.

    Just my 2 cents mate, not trying to be rude =D
    who knows? people need to understand that the teen is under enough pressure and she doesn't need to be treated like crap also. i just turn 20 and is having my first baby boy due in September and people still say stuff cuz im so young and got pregnant at 19. i just stop caring what people think and that matter is my family.
    Most of you teens that come on here always make it a point to let everyone know about your young age.... almost like you are proud of it. It's not relevant to post your age. I'm 28 and I don't post my age on all my questions.
    I am so sorry people do that on here its sad really but remember there are some young and immature people on here it is the internet. if you want any advice feel free to email me I will give you what I can with out being a jerk to you! again I am sorry and congrats on your baby on the way!
    First I would like to say that i am 18 and have been married for almost a year. I myself are not sure if I am pregnant right now but i sure feel like it! I personally think that they react in that way because they think that it will make teens stop getting pregnant or, it is what ';they deserve';. I think that it is cruel and that they should really be trying to help out because this is the very reason a lot of teen girls end up pregnant. Lack of education and being too afraid to seek help. Even with me being married I am afraid that if I am pregnant my family is going to turn on me and not want to help. It is a crazy world, and I DEFINITELY feel where you are coming from. Good luck and Congratulations hon!! Let me know how things go!!
    I feel that if a teen who is pregnant is looking for help and answers that they're at least trying, if they didnt care about the child growing in them they wouldnt be asking. People make mistakes so what, there are more teen girls in this world i see taking much better care of their child than 30 year old woman. Age shouldnt matter as long as you love your child
    To be honest it's not just teens, people get stupid answers and judged for anything they say and any question about abortion is just asking for a dispute between users. Teens most likely do get the majority of the scrutiny, but people assume things. I would suggest not stating your age, you will most likely get better responses, plus this is the pregnancy section. 99% of us are hormonal and have crazy days.
    People will discriminate because it's sad to see pregnant teens..if you want a good advice don't state your age it will change the picture trust me im a teen and i know it i never state age because of that.
    Why advertise that you're a pregnant teen? If you're really after advice and not attention it would be irrelevant.
    Some people are ignorant and like to put people down. But I've got mean responses to questions before too so its not just pregnant teens! You know your situation though, and its not up to anybody else to judge anybody on here. If they don't want to answer the question, they shouldn't be on here. Like when guys say rude things to questions about pregnancy or trying to conceive, they don't have a clue what its like to be pregnant!! Hopefully more people will start answering kindly and the rude ones will find something better to do with their time than make up smart a** remarks to girls who already have a lot going on! Good luck with your pregnancy!
    I'd stop sharing your age, personally. It's irrelevant and your answers will be nicer. All pregnant people experience similar problems, so that would be my best suggestion.

    Good luck with everything.
    because people are hateful and they like to judge when they dont know your situation. just remember that although other people are ignorant you dont have to be. make sure you get the proper care and ask the questions you need without mentioning your age unless its pertinent to the question. youll get the answers you need and people will just have to learn to keep their hateful opinions to themselves. because you didnt ask what they thought of your age now did ya? lol
    people nowadays think that its wrong to be a pregnant teen.....i have nothing against it as long as the baby get cared for properly and that's all that should matter not how old you are...i completely agree with you...and im sure that teens aren't planning to get pregnant it just happens and you're not a whore or **** you are a human being....until they start calling grown women a whore and a **** because they get pregnant i will not understand EVER..
    Possibly because you should still be in school, and not out getting pregnant.

    Look at how you write. You don't write like someone who should be teaching a baby things...How do you expect your child to get through school if you didn't finish, yourself? How are you or your child EVER going to make a decent living? (and don't go saying that your fianc茅 will support you....we ALL know where that leads!)

    I'm an aspiring teen writer, do you have any tips or advice for me, thanks so much!?

    i'm also an aspiring teen writer, I set aside a certain amount of time everyday for writing once I have a good idea. If and when you get an agent, you have to remember not to let them talk down to you, they need to know that you're not a little kid. and whatever happens, dont take rejections and criticisim personally, use it to make your writing better. You may also consider sending a test into the Institute of Children's Literature (dont let the name fool you, it can teach you alot about writing for teens and adults too) they only take in students that they think have potential, and you are assigned your own personal instructor who is a published author. I'm a student there, and my writing has improved amazingly since I began the course.

    Hope the helped!I'm an aspiring teen writer, do you have any tips or advice for me, thanks so much!?
    Tips on plot

    I will start first by going into plot-engines. A plot-engine is what gets the plot up and running and keeps it in motion. There are 2 main ones.

    Event Driven : These are plots that advance because of a sequence of events. They change about everything included in your story-the setting, action, mood, tone, and your character's reaction. One thing to note is that your protagonist doesn't need to undergo any drastic changes.

    Character Driven: The events all spring from ongoing changes within your character. If your character is driven to make things happen, they will probably happen.

    You need plot components to have a good plot. They are problem, complication, and resolution.

    There are 4 main types of problems. Man against society:

    These are the stories in which your protagonist is an individual who sees the world differently from those around him.

    Man against man : A highly recognizable problem is the tale of two rivals. You create two dynamic characters who are totally different.

    Man aginst himself: These are more complex, and probably requires a good understanding of psychology. These are the inner struggles of a protagonist who must decide upon a particular path.

    Man against nature: These are the stories where the protagonist has to dive to the bottom of a trench, climb a mountain, defeat the animal, or survive a diasaster.


    Complication is what make plots interesting. It's not enough to just have a problem, you ned to have complications ot make it worse. Keep 2 basic things in mind.

    1. Things must look bad as they can possibly be, and then get worse.

    2. Complication create change.


    It is the way you decide to wrap up your plot. There are 3 main resolutions.

    Protagonsit wins: This is the most popular, because he is the main one the audience has been pulling for throughout.

    Protagonist loses: This takes the audience in a different turn. You need to make sure even in defeat, the protagonist has become a better person.

    Antagonist wins: The audience isn't gonna accept the bad guy winning unless he goes some sort of transformation, maybe shedding his evil persona.

    Plot Requirements

    It needs direction, changes in points, and obviously, suspense. It also needs a clear beginning, middle, and end.


    Multiple viewpoint, narrated from more than one person

    In Medias Res, meaning in the middle on things, because it starts off right in the middle of action. The reader is yanked in and doesn't get a chance to really come up for air, and that's when you throw in a few chapters that 'back-fill'; the events.

    Your plot has to make sense. 3 examples of bad illogical plots are:

    The Idiot Plot, when everyone acts like an idiot, like in the horror movies where they split up and get picked off one by one.

    Nothing that just happens for no reason, author convienence.

    Rabbit out of hat: Related to author concience, it is totally unexplainable and no reason for it to happen.

    Sorry if It's long. Good LuckI'm an aspiring teen writer, do you have any tips or advice for me, thanks so much!?
    Where would you like your aspirations to lead you? Are you interested in getting articles published in magazines or online, or would you like to write books that will be published? Is this a hobby or a career path? My advice is to really conceptualize where you hope your aspirations will lead you, then choose a path. If your goal is to write for smaller publications or as a hobby, you'll take different paths then if you intend to write a best selling book one day.

    For general advice, find a mentor. Someone that has already accomplished what you seek to accomplish. Also, understand the behind the scenes business aspect of the publishing industry. Marketing, media preparation, and public relations are often over looked, but if you intend to make money with your passion then you'll need to familiarize yourself with these aspects of the business.

    Perhaps you aren't at that level yet, and you are more interested in learning some basics on how or what to write, but I hope I've at least given you something to think about.
    What helps me is just jotting down ideas as I listen to music or read other books. By doing that, it opens my horizons and mind to the story Im writing.
    You should try to add a blue sentence to your writing. Like. . .

    ';The cool breeze giving me little bumps that would seem to get larger every wind. The sky, as many colors as could be.';

    Something to get the reader hooked on. Also make a great cover for your writing. . . it will help!!!

    I hope that this helps, and that you lead a great life to become a wonderful and famous writer.
    start of with a life experience or jott down any funny stories!

    or maybe write about your fav animal or your fav hobby!

    i hope i helped(:
    definitely practice a lot. write whatever you like. personally, i like writing ';memory snapshots'; - you write about one moment in your life, a moment that was anywhere from 1-30 minutes (not any longer than that). describe it in full detail. it only has to be 1-3 pages, not that long. it will help you hone your skill as a writer. buy books about teen publishing if you want to do that sort of thing - but start small with entering stories/poetry into newspapers and magazines.

    What do you think about the fact that many Easterners come here for sex advice that any Western teen knows?

    And then proceed to tell us how great their society is?

    Geez, if it wasn't for us - most wouldn't even know 'where to put it' to make a baby!

    If we stopped giving sex advice to them, do you think we could halt global overpopulation?What do you think about the fact that many Easterners come here for sex advice that any Western teen knows?
    I don't see how sex has anything to do with the greatness of a society, unless the majority rule is the society you refer to. All Lemmings understand this rule. Education will halt overpopulation, not ignorance.
  • natural make up
  • Just another teen looking for advice on girls?

    as far as friends go i know girls but liking girls i know nothing im just looking for tips/advice on meeting girls, getting to know girls,asking them out, knowing if they like you and how to tell, stuff like that. im 15 in high school and im not the best at this kind of stuff(aka i have no freaking clue) i need all the help i can getJust another teen looking for advice on girls?
    Decide what you want, and be bold and upfront when you go after it.

    (Bold not forceful)

    Also, trust no one.Just another teen looking for advice on girls?
    okay well, the best thing to do is be honest, if you think you might be intrested in a girl try and talk to her, start any casual conversation and tell her you'd like to get to know her. most girls will find it flattering and give you a shot, if they don't, don't worry about it, there probably not worth all the fuss anyways if there rude.

    if you have friends that are girls you already know how some act, maybe try making new friends that are girls and go out somewhere with a group of friends, be open to new things and be social with other people not just girls your friends might like.

    in the process of meeting new people you'll find new things you like to do and discover traits you like about people.

    if a girl likes you, you'll most likely be able to tell, she'll like being around you, smile, laugh, maybe she'll call you

    but just because they don't make it completely obvious doesn't mean they don't like you, give things time, and gradually you'll learn

    i hope this helped =D
    Alright heres what you do...

    You see a girl in your class or school, say you think she is cute and really seems nice. You walk up to her and introduce yourself for instince if you have a class with her and you see her in the hall tell her you both have class together. Don't be one of those creepy akward people that like practically stalks the poor girl lol. Talk to her when you see her that will help you get to know her better just talk like you do to your friends except dont act like shes a dude and talk about chicks and junk. Once you get to know her well enough ask her out and mabey take her out to dinner, meet your parents, to a movie or something. Make sure you get to become good friends before that cause it might be a little sketchy if you ask her out quickly.
    Im 22 and most girls are pretty easy to tell if they have a crush on you especially your age...they probably giggle a lot, and look your way..maybe even try to casually touch your shoulder or walk your way when they were going the complete opposite. They probably smile at you a lot and look your general direction stuff like that.

    Meeting girls is easy....find a sport or a activity after school that you would enjoy and spark a freindship there, that way atleast you guys have stuff in common.

    Getting to them is also easy...just listen to them...dont just stare off actually listen and ask questions, that way they know you are not just a regular guy who does not care.

    Asking out is rather simple also...Find that sport or activity, get some new friends from there and when u think u might be sure that the girl likes you, or atleast seems interested ask her to do something you both like...not just watch a movie or go out to eat...but like a hobby of both yours, and bring some friends and hers...not so awkard that way...friends fiorst lovers later..sometimes its just easier

    good luck! and just be yourself...and dont turn into one of those jerks that girls always talk about, there is enough of them out the nice guy...girls will come too
    Ok i'm the type of girl that is shy. so if you're dealing with someone like me you probably want to start the conversation. You can sometimes tell with girls if they want to talk to you or not.

    If you talk to her and she seems bored or uninteresting, like turning back around to talk to someone else, then that probably isn't going to go anywhere.

    Asking out; do it yourself! don't send a friend to do it. it is more manly to do it yourself.

    My suggestioin is instead of just asking her straight out ';do you want ot go out with me'; ask her if she likes you. if she says no, it is less embarrassing ( for her and you) then having her refuse to go out with you.

    Know: ummm that is kind of tough. if she looks at you alot (like you catch her looking) then she might. Normally girls (or atleast me) like a guy that they talk to. so if you talk to her and she seems to enjoy it then there may be something.

    It is very difficult to tell if someone likes you or not. Trust me we as a species are confussing and very hard to understand a girls mind.
    This is the time in your life where you develop your social skills, so get a girls number. Complement them, find some pick up lines on the internet and ask them for there number. Talk to them a few times a week and see what they like in a boy ( a boy who treats them nice is what they want) and just become good friends with them. I would not suggest trying to get a girlfreind, because they are really emotional sometimes and its to much for you to worry about.
    I know how you feel, I'm 17, and I'm quite the loner, the best place to meet girls is at school, or friends of friends, during your teenage years its hard to meet girls out in public. Try joining a school club, or going to some parties (I don't know much about parties, i don't participate). Don't be afraid to talk to girls at school you don't know yet, an introduction is half the battle
    girls usually like it better when the guy makes the first move you can invite them to hang out or to go watch a movie i personally like that better

    you try and talk to them more and make friends with them and then if the friendship goes further than that and you like the girl you can later ask her out that's my advice=)

    good luck
    hun, im a girl, but i thought i might give you some of my personal experiences. im gonna be a junior next year and to be honest, hardly any guys have a clue in my grade. so if u are asking now, u r gonna be in pretty good shape when you are a junior. if u like a girl, smile at her every now and then. i love a guy who smiles and has a great personality. go talk to her and flirt (joke with her and give little hints like, did everyone ever tell you you have a great smile? or ask her, what have you been doing lately?) always try to start a conversation with her and LET HER TALK BACK!!!! i cant express that enough. ill admit it. girls like to talk (especially when its about ourselves). so let us!!! but other than this, just be yourself and dont be afraid to make yourself noticed, meaning go talk to girls. dont worry, everything is gonna go great for you during the next few years!!! i hope i've helped!

    please help with mine? (it might help u with yours some more);鈥?/a>
    Well as cliche as this may sound best that works is be yourself, as far as if they like you I couldn't help you there, also the best way to ask them out is either when they least expect it, or if you can't do that when you're on the phone or if you can't do that then online, the worst way that ever works is get someone else to ask her out for you
    Always be respectful and polite to girls flirt a little and call them pretty if they are. But don't be too nicey nice or girls will take it as a sign of weakness and desperation and not want you. Also if a girl plays hard to get at first thats normal don't give up on her. :)
    You have no ';freaking'; clue? Hahah!

    Well they like you if they are moany at you, but keep coming back for more! Getting to know girls is something people can't help you with, we women are all very different!;_ylt=Apc6VQIitq6wxt6KWVlLAI_sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090615095203AAQCuHI Please?
    Biggest thing: don't be mean to a girl that you like. Instead of thinking you like her, she'll be completely turned off. Be nice, and a gentleman...but at the same time not stalkerish. If a girl is always hitting you playfully, touching, or making fun of you, she's probably interested.
    ';Pushing, hitting'; yep, if you are 5 not 15! Just talk to them about something you like to do, sport, art, fishing see what they like. don't be a goof. Just be fun to be with and trustworthy.
    well, i'm a 17 year old girl and if i was to explain to you everything then we would be here all day... i'm going to write it all out then I will edit it
    In general, if girls are mean to you or always push you... that is a good thing. It shows they have interest in you.


    girls love it when you make the first move.

    A girl doesn't like you?

    Move on.
    watch the movie hes just not that into you

    (not kidding)

    it helps.
    be a man make your first move
    well u dont need tips u need 2 listen 2 ur heart
    well...teen girls like guys who are friendly, funny and trustworthy (ie if they ask you to do something for example, you won't screw up)...thats the main also helps if you're a bit popular, not a nerd and good looking (they say its personality that matters, but in teenage they're ALSO (not primarily) interested in finding a guy they can show off...and also who they can spend time with and be good friends with and the regular stuff) if you want to meet girls, get someone to introduce you, don't come on too strong, cuz thats stalkerish

    to get to know them, you gotta LISTEN, and converse properly...and listen more...but also talk or you'll make them uncomfortable and self conscious. if you like a girl, the best way to ask her out is be that flirty friend, who she isnt exactly sure she wants as a buddy only

    after getting to know her better (by asking about her interests etc and sharing yours too) become closer, like by confiding things in her and answering her if she asks you for help. also you can casually ask her to hang out with you then take things from there...

    knowing if they like you - look out for the teltale signs (like looking at you then away, smiling, laughing around you, her friends give you a 'knowing' smile, are nice to on wikihow for more details)

    another thing i remembered...if you want to be a success with a particular girl, her FRIENDS are probably the key to that,,,they matter alot and are NOT overrated trust me

    also, if she isnt the jokey type, insulting her friendly-ly is not a good idea, but if she has a sense of humor (and you do too) they'll like you more!

    whew, and that is the basics of advice on teenage girls (requested topics lol)

    its long but hopefully helpful

    good luck :) a teen girl too and so i know what im talking about! (for the girls who are a bit like me too)

    hehe.... :P
    Lucky you, young grasshoppa: you've got the Net so you'll get lots of feedback on this. Anyhoo, you say you know some girls. So you at least know how to interact with 'em! Use some of your gal friends as a means to meet other girls. Ask them to introduce you to someone. The potential blind date will at least have her friend telling her you're a cool guy, etc. Also ask your gal friends to teach you to dance. Women LOVE!!!! dancers b/c they love to go out %26amp; dance.

    Asking a girl out doesn't have to be a big deal. Its like asking someone to tag along to something you both might find fun. And fun is the main thing. Girls want to laugh so make it lighthearted. Movies are good but you won't get to necessarily know her since you'll sit %26amp; watch a flick for 90+ minutes. So be sure to chat her up before %26amp; after the flick. And make the flick something you'll both like.

    As for how to tell if girls like you, its different from girl to girl but, generally, if they smile at you a lot that's a good thing. If they laugh at your jokes its another sign. If she tilts her head or plays with her hair as she's listening to you talk, you've got another sign. Incidentally, get together with some guy friends who AREN'T obnoxious around girls. Loner guys freak the modern girl out.

    Hang with a guy friend who meets girls. He'll hook you up with someone when you 2 go out looking for girls. Overall, just give it a go!

    Good luck!
    Lol first I'll give you a huge piece of advise...never listen to the people saying listen to your heart because girls are alot more complicated then that.

    1.Don't run after a girl, let them chase after you. (girls love a guy they can't have)

    2.To get them chasing after you, do everything in your power to look good every morning (like getting a surfer's haircut [the biggest thing girl's go goo goo over for this year], cleaning your face every night and keeping up with the styles but not the style like baggy pants blah.)

    3.Never be shy in front of them or over powering (example) If a girl ask you out on a date [DON'T] Yah what time!! and when should I pick you up!! [DO] Sure, how about Friday night.

    4.Be a gentlemen but tough at the sametime (example) If someone is picking on a girl you like[SAY] Back off man.[MEAN DUDE SAYS] Make me! [SAY] Scum like you are a waste of time.[walk away]

    She'll be like %26lt;33333

    I'm a teen in need of advice for my boyfriend and his fashion sense. Please help!?

    I'm not trying to change him it's just that he has the worst fashion sense ever. He mixes dark green pants and a red polo shirt. (christmas) and he's worn blue dickies pants with a black shirt, and I can't forget his yellow polo shirt with big black stripes. These were when he was trying to look nice.

    How can I help him without making him feel bad?? We've gone shopping before but we always leave the mall empty handed because he's such a picky shopper. Casually, he's one of those jeans and t-shirts guys but all his shirts are gray, black, or white. I'd really like to propose a little more color and possibly some fashion sense.

    Help please!I'm a teen in need of advice for my boyfriend and his fashion sense. Please help!?
    Introduce him to some different colors that aren't TOO colorful, especially if he's not used to that. Try navy, burgundy, and brown. (Don't scare him with kelly green or turquoise!) lol

    Also, when you go shopping, pay attention to the style of shirts he likes and try higher quality ones. Like if he likes polos, try to get him into a Lacoste shirt. etc.I'm a teen in need of advice for my boyfriend and his fashion sense. Please help!?
    Just let him dress how he wants. I mean you can get him something for his birthday or Christmas or something...but other than that he will probably get offended that you want him to change himself.

    Name for my teen girl advice website?

    ok its a teen girl website. i want it to be unique !!! i want it to be not to girly in the middle. i want it to be cute :D so yup.that about it please help thanksName for my teen girl advice website?
    teengirlsadvise.tkName for my teen girl advice website?
    since most teen girls just want to ';vent their spleens';( by which im sure you know i mean ***** about their lives) why not call it

    Good magazines for teen and young adult dating advice?

    Hi everyone! This question is related to my last, so please check that one out. I am working on a paper and I would like your help!

    So, what magazines are teenagers, both male and female, (13-18ish) and young adults (19-24ish) reading where they are likely to find tips on dating or hooking up.

    For me as a young teen I was reading YM and Seventeen, and as I got a little older I started reading Glamour. I am twenty-seven now, so my selection might be a little outdated. What about you or the people you know?

    Which magazines will more conservatively discuss dating and which will more liberally discuss hooking up?

    I am looking to do a review of hooking up in the popular media, and I thought your answers would be a great place to start.

    ThanksGood magazines for teen and young adult dating advice?
    I don't think there are any. They're all propaganda aimed at making sure you hook up with the wrong guys for the wrong reasons. Fact is, many of them try to influence you to hook up with OTHER GIRLS.