Sunday, December 27, 2009

What advice do you have for teens that are really angry people and have no desire to stay in school?

Suck it up and go.What advice do you have for teens that are really angry people and have no desire to stay in school?
Think it twice, think it three times, look around you, there is no coming back, time wasted never returns, it's your life and you will regret it, stay in school.;What advice do you have for teens that are really angry people and have no desire to stay in school?
If you're not angry in this day and age, you're not paying attention...everyone is angry...look at and you will know that everyone is angry. Yes, society is a mess, people are phoney, cheaters win, honest people lose and good people die young.

However, this isn't a time for good people to be ruining themselves just because the rest of society is doing it. While you don't want to be a puppet and always do what you're told, you must do what is right for you. Learning to read, do math, understand science and write well is good for you...who cares about them and their stupid opinions?

Get your education and learn to choose the valuable from the junk. Public school may not be right for you...have you tried a charter school. There is one called EXCEL and there is very little social interaction with either teachers or one to harrass you, yet you can learn more than the usual school material at your own pace. With EXCEL you can graduate when you finish the work...even if you are only 15. EXCEL doesn't have sports or anything to distract you for academics.

Whatever you might consider Bullsh!T, your education isn't one of them! If you stick to it and don't get discouraged you can come up on top and do something to change our system.

Dropping out won't achieve anything except make society think you're a loser and you aren't! Society is the loser! You have to make sure they know that by doing something profitible with yourself...not because of society and our school system but inspite of it!

What you see is real even if people are in denial about the problems we have today. You're not the only one who sees and knows but not many people will talk about it. Bury yourself in your studies for a while and when you are educated you will feel better about things.

Hang in there!
Get a GED...

It really depends on why the teen is angry, if they are having to deal with harrassment by peers or teachers...then they probably don't need to be in school, but they don't have to give up on education just because they are angry. The should put that anger to good use, get an education and resolve their issues as they enter adulthood.
Never put pickles on my burgers!.... Don't beg for money or a job in the middle of a busy road whilst being intoxicated... When you end up in jail (which would be inevitable) never drop the soap..
Take ';anger management'; and get a job.

Join the armed service (Army, Navy etc.).

Be a ';drop-out';, a nobody %26amp; live off parents until they pass-a-way. Then apply for social security. For which they ';might get or not';? If they are accepted??? Draw $300.00 a month and live in the streets.
3 words : get over it

2 words : tough s**t

1 word : dole
you are going to be really angry in a few years when your mom kicks u out of the house for being a jobless bum who dropped out of school and has no career or ambition.
tell those lil maggot-ridden punks to join the USMC and make America proud! Semper Fi....YA HEARD ME!?
at the end of the day its your life if you want to waste it doing nothing instead of making something out of yourselves then so be it. Just dont be angry at the world for your mistakes
look at other ppl's lives twenty years after they dropped out of school
School only taught me that there are cliques and politics that play against you if you're not on their side or on the side of a stronger group. Tell them to become writers. Or to pick up a skill such as AC/heating installation or even the 8-string electrical guitar.
Stick with it,the results will be worth it.
Well, they are angry for a reason...usually its just rebelling against all the things they were too afraid to give their opinion about before mixed with all the crazy hormones that making them quite so emotional about everything. We麓ve all been through it, we all know we were too angry sometimes, im sure and in my opinion i think nothing would help better than a bit of kind patient and guidance. Easier said than done i know but its the right thing to do, cuz you cant condemn a kid for something that is outta their control. That said, to answer your question, all you can do is explain to them why its so important that they go to school and then failing sad to say but there would be nothin to do other than just make them go. They will be thankful for it later. Its just gonna be a hard time till purberty麓s over.

Hope this helps. =)
dont know. i am a teen someone give me advise.

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