Sunday, December 27, 2009

Any advice for a teen buying a new car?

I'm 16, almost 17, and I'm looking to buy a car. Well, a new-to-me car. I was wondering if anybody knew of a good, reliable car that's relatively cheap. I currently drive an older car, a 1993, and it has a few issues. I don't need specifics, just like a brand and the name of the car.

Thanks!Any advice for a teen buying a new car?
It should be 4-door, 4-cyls, not sporty. I would prefer Honda or Toyota... First time drivers usually have much more expensive car insurance, and it depends from car. You should compare insurance rates while choosing the car - for example here - carinsurance.deep-ice.comAny advice for a teen buying a new car?
According to consumer reports, the Mazda Miata is the most reliable used car on the market. They're a small, fun, convertable that get good gas mileage and are relatively inexpensive. 5-8K will get you a pretty decent one

That may or may not be your taste as they are quite small.

I really don't know why so many people on here are so gung-ho about American cars, they're good now but go back a few years and you're takling about serious issues with a rather large number of them.

If you are going to buy American, I'd say go with a truck. American trucks are built about as tough and reliable as anything on four wheels. F150, Silverado, RAM, etc, they're all quite stout cars but not the best for commuting due to gas mileage.
shop around at your local dealerships. don't do it alone, and make sure you know what you are looking for. there are so many good cars out there. if you want a used car you should go for an older nissan. they're really realiable. my first car was a 1986 300z nissan. i drove it for about 2 years, before that my brothr had it for about 1, and my sister drove it for 3 years. that's 5 years. it wasn't even in the best of shep when we got it. it lasted longerthan we expected. it doesn't have to be as old as an 86'. if you like trucks there's also the tacoma or tundra; a good truck for everyday use. those shouldn't be too expensive.
Your local library probably has Consumer Report's buying guide and back issues.They compile a list of problems for each car and year based on reader survey's.I have two Honda minivans with 150,000 for the 2002,and 250,000 for the 1996.Very few repairs in 5 years.I'd reccomend an accord or civic if you can afford it.
Any American car, mostly pontiac or chevy. 2001-2005 caviler, sunfire, grand am, grand prix are all cheap, relatively new, and parts are cheap.

I would stay away from cheaper little Japanese cars, but that is just my taste, and I don't want to look like a ricer or a wanna-be gangsta type.
If you are looking for a CAR, do NOT get any GM or Ford. They are poorly built because corners were cut.

If you are looking for a TRUCK, then Chevy and Ford are probably your best bet.

Jeeps have transmission problems in general.
Pontiac, Chevy, Ford, or Dodge any car that is 1996 and higher should be a good buy, look for low mileage and aftermarket warrenties are always a plus
anything american

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