Sunday, December 27, 2009

Does anyone know the name and phone number for a teen advice hotline?

im not like troubled or anything like that and im not thinking of killing myself and im not pregnant or on drugs. i just need advice on something and i used this line before. i was really nervous about singing in my first performance and i called the hotline and they really helped calm my nerves. anyone know what the line is? :)Does anyone know the name and phone number for a teen advice hotline?
come on, you are nervous singing?? whats the deal with sung before... no different than before...just probably a few more people.. thats ALLlll.Does anyone know the name and phone number for a teen advice hotline?
Call with any problem, Anytime:

Girls and Boys Town National Hotline

Phone: 1-800-448-3000

Email: Hotline@girlsandboystown.


They have the trained professionals

to help you with this. %26lt;}:-})
18009999999 (they really helped for me)
hae wassuuuuuuuuupppp, but yub its 0800 hot gossip.....
National Youth Crisis Hotline (800)442-HOPE (4673)

Teen Help Adolescent Resources (800) 840-5704

And here is a list of many others:

Pls pick me as best answer! =)

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