Thursday, December 31, 2009

Style and hair advice for a teen with a big forehead !?

My forehead is huge!

I look best hair-wise with a centre part yet a full fringe looks a bit too blunt and side fringes make my big forehead look really really wide and huge.

I'm sorry to post such a stupid question but I just can't sort it out, my forehead looks terrible and big. I'm coming up for sixteen and I find myself a bit concious of it. I do have big eyes though so maybe that balances it ?

Which hairstyles/cuts would help me with this ?

Thankyou to anyone who has any makeup or hair advice for me !!Style and hair advice for a teen with a big forehead !?
try bangsStyle and hair advice for a teen with a big forehead !?
for your hair, I would stick with bangs. They are great for hiding a large forehead I should know. You could go with different lengths or perhaps a side part with bangs.

For your eyes when applying makeup if you use eye liner just line the top, that will help them look smaller and use a dark color. But the absolute best advice you can get is to experiment with your make up. Try lining the tops only, the botoms only, or both. Try using different shades of eyeshadows. Have fun with it. This will help you get better at applying it and you can see for yourself which you like better.

Good Luck!
Hard to give advice without a photograph. Ask your hairdresser
big foreheads are in ask rihanna and trya banks. i would probably go with bangs, but definitely ask your beautician for advice.
I don't have picture of you but my advise would be to get some bangs put just a little nothing to heavy maybe just section off about a 1/4 -1/2 inch and use that for your bangs. Don't have them cut straight across but have then point cut. That means that they cut the hair using just the tips of the scissors at almost the same direction the hair is going. this gives a much softer look to the bangs. Also you could have a little side fringe if you have some bangs but as you stated above this can make your face look skinny and long. The ideal shape that you are trying to make your face is an oval. So if you have a round face you should try to cover up the cheeks,square cover the corners, long cover the bangs. Hope this helps.

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