Friday, January 8, 2010

Any advice for the jr. teen division of National American Miss pageant?

Hey ppls, I'm really excited for the NAM pageant, have all of my fees paid up, got my dress and interview suit, and am positive I'll blow the judges away with my personal introduction! Any advice you fellow National American Miss pageant enterers have for me? ALL comments are welcome! Thanks a million!Any advice for the jr. teen division of National American Miss pageant?
everyone thinks its like sum other BEAUTY pageant, ITS NOT its the exact oppisite its to build selth confidence and to make girls of all sizes feel great about themselfs. my advice is to SMILE! ALOT. be yourself, have fun, make friends and DONT WORRY!

the way 2 blow thee judges away with your intro is instead of saying sumthing like hi im bla bla bla from bla bla bla and i want 2 be bla bla bla say sumthing like hi, as future bla bla bla i would like to bla bla bla by doing bla blabla i want to be namiss jr.teen because bla bla bla, from bla bla bla, bla bla bla im blablabla!Any advice for the jr. teen division of National American Miss pageant?
Are you the same person who was on here asking if you should do NAM in the first place? If that was you, don't get upset if some other ';undeserving'; girl wins, these pageants aren't that important anyway. Look at all of the pageant winners getting in trouble these days. There are certain things you can gain from this experience (learning how to lose, confidence, public speaking, getting along with others, etc) but you can also learn those things in other, less superficial and less expensive ways. If the NAM thing doesn't work out, try sports or something else. Good luck.
My advice is don't do it. I'm sure you're much better than that pageant would allow you to be.
dont take yourself so seriously. how old are you? like 12. go out and have fun make a mess of your clothes. be crazy.
Always smile no matter where you are. The judges are everywhere. Be prepared beacuse you are going to be miles aways form home and most importantly have fun! YOu made it all the way to Nationals! Congrats! Try visting the New NAM Forum!

Good Luck!!!
I think these co called ';Miss Pageant'; this day and age 2007 is degrading for woman. There little Barbie doll images. Having to display one self like this. Pure vulgarity.


  1. I am always amazed at people that waste their time posting their personal negative opinion, as it is obvious they have never participated in National American Miss or probably any other pageant.This program is a wonderful experience for girls! Our daughter has been involved for 2 years and we have seen what a difference the program has made in her self-confidence. I work for a large company and I interview people on a regular basis, believe me when I say that the majority of people would have benefitted greatly from participating in a pageant prior to entering the job market! Sports are great, but they do not teach you interview and public speaking skills. The best advice I could give to you, is to practice, practice, practice and smile. When you smile, the person you are speaking to, does not realize that you are nervous. Also, a little trick we have our daughter do, is write some interview questions on some notecards, any time the pageant is brought up and the person she is speaking to seems interested, she pulls out her stack of note cards and asks the person if they would mind asking her a question from one of the cards. Remember, there is not a wrong answer to a question, but this exercise will help you feel confident when talking to adults. Our daughter is not a "sporty" girl, and I feel it is important for kids to have an "identity", just as adults define themselves with their jobs or their family, kids also need to identify with something. When our daughter came to us and asked if she could be in a pageant, we were a little hesitant because of all of the silly "reality" pageants we had seen. However, after she was in National American Miss, we were so grateful that we consented to letting her try this program. National American Miss is absolutely nothing like the the reality shows depict, it is unfortunate that some families may view these shows as the norm and miss out on this opportunity for their daughter.

  2. I was in the Jr.teen division last year but have competed years prior. First off, congratualtions for making the decision to enter the pageant! You'll never regret it! It will be one of the highlights of 2010, trust me! As for advice, you're right; smiling is important, but it sounds like you do that everyday so it won't be too much of a problem. For formal wear, take as much time as you want on the stage because it's your time! Smile and look at the judges as you make your turn. Look them in the eye but don't stare them down. For interview, just have fun. Make sure your answers are thought out, comprehensive, and that they end with a conclusion. You want to sound as if you know what you're talking about. Don't just say (if the question is; What is your dream career?) "My dream career is to be a doctor" or "A doctor". You need to say why. The whole point is to have a conversation. I've had conversations w/judges over before they even ask a question and they always write that I have great confidence and my interview skills are always my highest scores. For personal intro, smile big and speak clearly into the microphone. Remember to keep your feet in pretty feet position. A good intro is generally under 2 minutes. Make sure it has all the required components and don't just say what's required. Add some interesting details about you, like where you volunteer, your school, and hobbies. For your suit, taupe shoes always work best and the heel for either shoe does not matter. Your makeup shouldn't be too heavy and your hair shouldn't be extravagent. It's a natural pageant not a glitz.

    My last piece of advice; make alot of friends! Say hi to everyone because I assure those girls will become some of your best friends! Oh, and take some jackets because NAM is notorious for keeping the hotels chilly. Oh, and also, find a way to get some food in you. It'll be hard on pageant weekend to really sit down and eat 3 square meals because you'll be running around in rehersals, competitions, or hanging out w/friends. I suggest briging some granola bars, or driking tons of Starbucks! Have fun and if you need any more advice, I'd be glad to help.
