Establish some ground rules with your parents, that way they'll think you're responsible and trust you more. But waiting too long to tell them like a couple of months may lose you some respect.Advice For A Teen That Has Boyfriend But Can't Tell Parents Cause They Will Go Insane???????????
First things first: Do you love him, and does he love you?
If you both want to be together, then be together. Just be sure he's not only trying to hurt you or anything.
As for the parents, try to ask them for advice, discretly. Maybe even the ';I have this friend who has this boyfriend, but is afraid they might not like him'; thingy.
It lame and old, but it may work.
Or else, try talking to just, one parent. Explain it carefully and assure them your'e going to be careful.
And try appealing to their own first teenage love.
But I agree with the other guy, don't lie to them or they will never trust you again.
Good luck :)Advice For A Teen That Has Boyfriend But Can't Tell Parents Cause They Will Go Insane???????????
Honestly for me, when I first had a boyfriend I did not tell them. I just insisted we were friends. After a few months of being together my parents started to get the idea. I was scared to death because my father is very protective and did not like the thought of boyfriends. My parents and I pretty much didn't speak about it much in that part of my life was kind of off limits to them. My first boyfriend was at 16 right before I turned 17. So be smart, take responcibility and start showing them that you are a capable adult. If your going to have sex be responsible and make sure your protected! And have fun!
Don't be intimate (as in intercourse of any kind).
Go out in groups of friends, and allow your parents to get to know him as one of your friends. Once your parents see that you are good friends with him, bring up the fact that you want to date him. They will be more likely to allow it if they see you being mature about the relationship.
keep things quite until you know things are really serious between you and your boyfriend. after a couple of months if ye are still together then you can tell your parents. no point teling them if things dont last
Tricky..thing is if u dont tell they will never trust u again!!!
if u tell they will go mad!!!
So what u do is u ask to date, say u are responsable etc..dont say u have one ask to date my friend:)
Wear a condom- avoid THAT conversation later.
dont tell them .....
anyway the guy will pay for all the expenses .... lol
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